Guess who is joining you preggos?


Yes, its true, although I am still in disbelief but test showed 2 pink lines. I read and reread the test, 2 lines means pregnant! I am nervous about #2 but I was nervous with Alexis too. I guess this puts it at a June baby if I calculated corrrect.
Congratulations!! I hope you are feeling well and that you have a great 9 (10!) months!!

I know what you mean about disbelief - I took 8 tests before I finally told DH. We had been trying for so long that I couldn't believe it when it finally happened!

Congratulations!! That is fabulous news! Were you both trying again for another one or pleasantly surprised? June is a great month. DS was born on the 20th. It was nice to have maternity leave during the summer months.
So far I have found the 3 years between DD & DS to be a good spacing. Good luck and keep up posted on your progress!
Elyse!!! I have literally shed tears of joy for you! You can blame it on my pg hormones; nevetheless I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Yeah!

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Mealanie, you want to laugh, despite all the months of trying, I flipped last night and was up all night worrying. For example, where are we are going to put all our stuff? We use the 3 bedroom for guests and our stuff. Guess I have 10 months to figure it out.

I have to laugh at the worrying about where to put stuff. We figured we had 10 months to figure it all out too but waited until the last possible moment and still have not done everything we need to do:) We have 4 bedrooms and this is our first but there still seems to be so much stuff!

Best of luck on the pregnancy-and the preparations:7
Congratulations!!!!! I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Four new members in the last few days - that's terrific!

Aaaack!! I am so happy for you. Alexis will love her new baby. I can't wait for you to join us pregnant mommies on the pregnant mommy thread.:7 :7 :7 . And June is a very good month--both my husband and I were June babies;-).

My brain does not work--how many weeks do you think you are? 4-5 or so? I will keep you in my prayers.

And don't worry too much about the logistics--those things always seem to work themselves out.

take good care:7

Wow, Shopaholic, congratulations! I never expected to see this big announcement so soon!

Maybe the baby could be in your room for a while? And then share with Alexis so you can keep your extra room. If they are both girls they might enjoy rooming together when the new baby gets a little older... Anyway, I am so excited for you! How are you feeling so far and how many weeks along are you?
Emy, I am newly pregant-due in my estimate about 5/29. So far I feel great. I am hoping this pregnancy goes like my one with Alexis-easy. Speaking of Alexis, she just walked in the room topless, and soon to be bottomless as she is taking off her clothes.
Glad you are doing better and have your own place.

Mel and Maggie, I can't believe how close you are to those due dates.
Maggie, what is: "'Aaaack!!" ? Just curious, haven't heard it before.

Shopaholic, that didn't take long at all. The way you were talking it was going to take a decade or so to conceive, and then there it was, this announcment!! ;) ;) J/K

For all you ladies who THINK you have space issues. Let me tell you about our 1200 square foot house. :D Jory is 11 & needs his own room. It's a little bigger than a closet. Justin's room is a little bigger than a closet. We'll be putting the new baby in our room/or the room/hallway outside our door until he/she is about 2...then we'll take it from there. If it's a boy maybe we'll get bunkbeds for Justin's room. Believe it or not, I'm not concerned about it. God provides. :) We've been playing around with the idea of moving to International Falls Minnesota (border of Canada) or similiar place where we can buy a mansion for pennies...perhaps even a small resort? We'll see.

Shopaholic, I'll be expecting your post on Moms2B site on Sunday or shortly after (I'm a pretty demanding pg woman, aren't I?!?!?). :D :D

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Just noticed that I'm a "charter member" & shopaholic is a "member"? What's the difference?!?!??!

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Congrats! I'm due May 23rd (if I figured right). This is my first!I go to the doc on Oct 3rd, so I should have more info then. I look forward to getting to know you through our journey!

Melanie--Aaaack was just an excited noise--I was not sure how to spell it:7 :+ :7

More tears of joy here!! I'm soooooo happy for you Elyse!! Mel....I liked your post regarding space. We have friends who have 8 and only two bedrooms (small ones) and they have a beautiful, orderly home in the Wisconsin Dells!!!! You can always fit one more!! Lots of happy hugs sent your way!!

Alexis will get to be a little mommy....I can just imagine!!

Mel, our house is 1600 sq. feet so we do have the room. Our problem is our clothes, yes, can you believe with a name like shopaholic-I have bought too much clothes and stuff for Alexis and I. My plan though is 2 kids , that's it. No offense to you ladies like Briee and Maggie, with a shoe filled with kids, 2 that's my plan.
Briee, care to join us on the preggo board, sure you have room for 1 more kid or dog?lol.
Yes, I can picture you as quite the shopper, especially with a little girl. ;) You know, I originally only wanted one kid. DH, actually said in PUBLIC that he might be convinced to have #4, especially if this one is a boy. :D Funny how things change. We'll see.
Briee & Autumn are definitely next. Yew Hew, girls...come and join us for round two!!!

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]

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