Grocery list suggestions


Hey everyone.
I have finally gotten serious about this clean eating thing and need a little advice. I am new to alot of the "good" foods and recipes. I am slowly redoing my "menu".
I am going grocery shopping tomorrow (if all goes well) and was wondering if any of you had some tips, or ideas of some good things I should have around the house.
I know veggies, and unprocessed foods, but what are your favorites, or things you have found the most versatile or useful, or yummy for that matter??
I am open to anything except cottage cheese!!
Thanks guys for helping me with this lifestyle change!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
baby carrots
chick peas
frozen cauliflower, broccoli, peas, chopped onions, chopped peppers
Boca burgers
whole wheat pasta
salad fixings
can of diced tomatoes
natural PB
lite soy milk

These are my weekly staples, plus some odds and ends
Hey Maeghan! First of all I wish you much sucess with the healthy change in your diet. It is hard sometimes, but so worth the effort, because when you eat nutritionally sound food, you feel better, have so much more energy and the cravings for the "not so clean"(since there are no bad foods, right?? Just lots of better ones...) really do go away. It is a daily struggle for me, always has been, I think always will be....but my favorite staple, if you are not a vegetarian are those IQF chicken breasts.....and my George Foreman grill. You can grill one of those in less than 10 minutes, toss it on a big salad and dinner is it. It is even better if you marinate the chicken first. My other love right now is strawberries....cut some up, a little bit of splenda and a big dollop of lite cool whip and I feel like I have had dessert...YUM. The easiest way to eating clean is just to get rid of and not buy anymore not so good stuff..something I really wish I could do, but my kids and husband simply will have nothing to do with most of the stuff I eat, especially the cottage cheese(which I LOVE). Good luch and happy good food shopping!

Hi Maeghan-
There was a Eat to Live shopping list thread a little while ago that had some great suggestions on it for tasty and beloved fruits, veggies, etc.
Here's the link:
I think it's on one of the lists, but I'd like to add a personal obsession of mine lately, hummus:9 :9 :9 It comes in a lot of flavors and makes veggies, salads, wraps, etc. so exciting. Most hummus has about 50 cal. per 2Tbsp. and can be used to dip veggies in, spread on veggie wraps/burgers, or thinned out with lemon juice or vinegar for a salad dressing.
But they make soybean hummus now which only has 35 cal. per 2 Tbsp. and has like 3 times the protein. The only brand I've seen of this is Tribe of Two Sheiks.
Hi, thanks for posting this. I am going to try clean eating too. I have wanted to for a long time. It's just really hard. Knowing there is someone else starting out is just what I needed. Happy healthy eating.
This all sounds great guys!
Mattea, thanks for that link! I think I remember reading that post. How quickly I forget!!
Donna, my husband is the same way! Won't eat a veggie to save his life! I essentailly have two grocery lists.
But I am determined to "trick" him into eating healthier anyway I can!!! He has agreed to try some new stuff, if he thinks he will like it!! Good luck there huh??
Thanks guys!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
LOL Meg about your DH!

My DH ate nothing but GARBAGE until I started cooking for him. Now he'll eat pretty much anything I make but I DO make concessions.

Our dinners are not quite as healthy as I would eat them but also not nearly as UNhealthy as he would eat them!

Once in a while I'll cook my food differently from his but I usually just make the sacrafice (as does he!) and we are both happy.

It has worked for me so far! Maybe you should try that first? It will be MUCH less work for you and you'll probably hear less groaning from him! ;) LOL

Good luck!:)
I just read the top of this thread and did the search for the E2L shopping list. I see it already is posted. It is a good thread to print and save. We shop like this weekly and it really helps. It also helps to plan meals a week at a time. And shop accordingly. This is ideal, but it doesn't always work out for us. However, just make it a goal and try to come close.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Hey Maeghan -
Keep some canned beans of different varieties on hand. They're a lifesaver when you're in a hurry, or for making a big salad. Be sure to rinse them off in a colander though, before you eat them, since that helps to get rid of a lot of the salt.

I like to keep nuts around, primarily walnuts and cashews. Also, lots and lots of fruit.

For grains, make sure they're whole, like brown rice instead of white rice. I like millet and quinoa, too.

Good luck!
Thanks Judy, Shannon, and Wendy!
That is a good idea for the hubby Wendy!
He said he would try some stuff, so I will hold him to it. His momma SPOILED him and never made him eat the good stuff. SOmetimes they would just go get him mcdonalds or whatever he wanted!AARRGGHHHH
So I bet he would LOVE alot of food if he would stop telling himself he doesn't. Men...
I will keep you updated on my progress with him!!!LOL!!
Judy, I will try to plan my weekly meals because I hate standing in front of the freezer every night trying to decide!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
A couple things that I like to keep on hand -
Lowfat Feta cheese - I never liked the stuff until someone served it on a mixed green salad with raspberries and vinegrette - it was awesome. Now I sprinkle a little bit on my salads for a nice change.

Of course, lots of veggies/fruits

My DH won't eat brown rice or whole wheat pasta - I use the Barilla Plus pasta - it's muligrain with protein. Not as good as whole wheat, but better than the ordinary pasta. I also use the long grain wild rice - again, not a good as brown, but better than white.

Lowfat yogurt which I can't eat without some granola or high fiber cereal mixed in. And that's another thing I keep on hand, high fiber cereal. I use Fiber One, but I'm currenty looking for an alternative without splenda.

One thing I do that helps with clean eating, (and I'm no expert), I clean and cut up my veggies and fruits within a day of buying them. For some reason, I eat more veggies if I don't have to stop and cut them and clean them each time. For lettuce (I go through five to six heads of lettuce a week) - I buy the red or green leaf, rinse it well, spin it and lay it out on a strip of paper towels - usually three sheets will hold an entire head of lettuce. Then roll up the paper towel and store the roll in a ziploc bag. It'll keep for several days (I've had it stay fresh for up to five days this way). And grabbing a salad is quick and easy.

Hope this helps!!
Spend a lot of time in the produce section, and grab the darkest, most coloreful foods you can find: dark lettuces, kale, red cabbage, red pepper, whatever looks good. Get some exotic fruits to try, like papaya or mango, and lots of berries.

Avocados are great for making guacamole, or a 'dressing" with avocados, tomatoes, onions, garlic and your choice of spices, mushed in a food processor until smooth (put in onions and garlic first, process to finely chop, add tomatoes, and process to thickly chop, then add guacamole and process until smooth).

And swing by the health food store to pick up some dulse, a sea vegetable (aka: "sea weed" ) that is great rinsed and added to salads.

Avoid the center of the grocery store, where you'll just find processed foods, and stick to the perimeter (except for a short jaunt into the aisle that has beans and whole grains), and maybe a trip down the canned veggie aisle to pick up some canned beans you can toss in salads, or use to make a bean salad (or, better yet, pick up some cans of organic beans at the health food store).
I make those dump salads at least weeekly and they come out different every time.

Here is a new vinagrette I came up with for a beans/veggies salad or a dark lettuce salad with avocado, green onions, and tomatoes:

Cilantro Lime Vinagrette:
2 Tbsp canola oil
2 Tbsp water
2 Tbsp lime juice
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cumin
salt and pepper to taste
1 Tsp dried Cilantro fresh might be better!
shake in screw top jar, taste and adjust seasonings, and dress salad. Save extra dressing in refrigerator for a few days at most.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
One thing I love is the Ezekial brand english muffins. They are whole grain, found in the health food section freezer. I toast them with a small bit of neufchatel cream cheese and a sliced tomato with salt and pepper. Delicious!
Wow, you guys are great! Hope I can afford all that LOL!
Just wondering, no one mentioned corn, and are green beans good? I like both of those. Corn on the cob is a favorite!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
Do yourself a favor-Don't even ask your DH for any opinnion on what to make for dinner or how to cook it...that is the BIGGEST mistake you can make! LOL Just cook what you are going to cook the way you are going to cook it, put it on the table and tell him dinner is ready. End of story! :p The less CHOICE he has in the matter the more likely he is to eat what you give him!}(
Green beans - definitely good.
Corn - good, but it is more starchy than other veggies.

Personally, if it's a veggie, I call it good, regardless of whether it's high or low in vitamins. They all beat potato chips as a snack.

Another suggestion - since you like green beans, have you tried them raw as a snack? My DD loves them that way and they're a nice change from the traditional celery and carrot sticks. I also like sugar snap peas raw as a snack. Again, changes things up and keeps those veggies from getting boring.

And Wendy is right, spend most of your time around the perimeter. My cart is half full before I leave the produce section. At first it will feel like you're spending more on groceries, but in time, you'll learn to scout the in season on sale produce and as you convert the family, you'll gradually spend less on the junk. Have faith, you will eventually convert DH. Just remind him he has to set a good example for the children.
Also, now is a good time of the year for farmers' markets, where you can find locally-grown, often organic, produce that's fresh picked.

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