Good Pregnancy Yoga videos


Active Member
I would like a yoga video just for pregnancy. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good one? Also, are there any other pg videos that are worth the money? Otherwise, for strength-training I plan to modify my easier Firms and sub in the pg yoga for the Firm floor work and cool down. I use Rhythmic Step and the treadmill for cardio. Thanks.
Hi, just wanted to tell you that the only pregnancy video I enjoyed late in my pregnancy when modifying others became too much for me was Fit for Two by Lisa Stone. I couldn't even stand to do the others more than once! It's just step and light toning, but very good and not a beginner video. Never got into yoga, so I can't help with that one. Another one I enjoyed late in my pregnancy (modified) was Cathe's wedding tape. The intensity was just right for me. Good luck!

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