Good postpartum workouts?

Hi all,

My baby is due soon. I've really been looking forward to getting back to "real" exercise! Unlike a few of you, I've been unable to keep doing my usual level of exercise because of my awkward new center of gravity. Any recommendations, Cathe-wise (or Firm-wise) for starting to get back into shape? I'm 31, and this is my first.

Also, I'm proud to say that I passed my medical specialty boards (Pathology), having taken them 6.5 months pregnant!!!!!

I'd really appreciate any postpartum exercise advice. Any core-workout recs, for example?

Hi Brigitte,
Congrats on the soon arrival of your new baby!!!I bet you are excited!Well-I just had a baby 10 months ago and one thing you find out is that sometimes you dont have a really long time to workout.So the CTX series is really good or the new timesaver dvd.That way you can start with a shorter workout and bump up the time when you feel like you are ready.Another great thing to do is to use the premix options that Cathe has on her dvds.As far as core workouts-do you have Cathes ab hits?That is really good!!Just take it slow at first and gradually bump up your workouts.Have fun!!:)
Hi Brigitte,

For the last 2 1/2 months of my pregnancy I also was unable to exercise at my usual level because of my feet developed plantar fascitis and they were too sore to even walk on sometimes. The workouts I started out doing postpartum were Cathe's beginner/intermediate workouts and the CTX series. I found they were very helpful in easing me back into more vigorous exercise. The stability ball has been a great piece of equipment in helping to get my abs to snap back. Congratulations on passing your boards!

Nora born 8/23/04
Hi Brigitte!

I'm still mid-way throught my first pregancy, but I would recommend Cathe Basic Step and Body Fusion. I'm using this DVD now that I have to modify my Cathe workouts, and I think it would be a great beg/int. DVD to get back into fitness again. There's a good stability ball/ab workout on it you might like for your core work.

Congrats on passing! What does this qualify you to do? I'm not familiar...

22 weeks
Hi and congrats. Before you know it that bundle of joy(and poop) will be here. In the first few weeks postpartum i used denise austin's pregnancy video's postpartum section and buns of steel postpartum. Charlene Prickett's return to slender has some excellent info on postpartum exercise and includes strength training and step. After you doc gives the ok you can return to your old workouts, start slow and listen to your body. As mentioned, shorter workouts do work best in those first few months. The new firms are great, each 50 minutes or less.
Hi Brigitte,

I would recommend that you pick up a copy of "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell after Pregnancy". I found this very helpful with the weight loss and figuring out how/when to workout...what to avoid, etc.

I personally found the Slim Series to be the perfect amount of intensity....cardio and weight wise. I started working out about 3-4 weeks post-partum -- I DO NOT advise this. It caused way to many issues for me physically! Rest and enjoy your babe and start working out at 6 weeks, after your doctor gives the ok.

Congrats on the baby and passing your boards! Lots of happiness to you!
THANKS TO EVERYONE for your suggestions!!!!!! They have really helped a lot. I don't have a stability ball, but I'll get one. Thanks again! You are all a big, big help.

Brigitte.:) :) :) :)
I'm not pregnant, but I play one on TV. Okay, okay!:p

Just happened to see this & wanted to HIGHLY RECOMMEND Charlene Prickett's Return To Slender. Not only good workouts for post-partum, but TONS of information.

You can get it cheaper on Ebay if you keep your eyes open.


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