Good nursing bras?


Hi everyone,

I am due in about four days, so I figured I better start shopping for nursing bras. I am having a hard time. I know underwire bras are not recommended, but I need the extra support of the underwire. I cannot stand soft cup bras. I'm also not very large chested, so the really big underwire ones don't work. Has anyone found any good ones anywhere that are like normal bras and just have the flaps? I also don't really want to spend $40 per bra. I'm getting frustrated. Thanks.

Hi Emily!!

I can't help you in the bra-department (my babies are 22 & 28 :7) but wanted to say I can't believe you are due in 4 days!! I'm sure it didn't seem to go fast to you. Good Luck and keep us posted. Do you know if you are having a boy or girl? Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Hi Emily!!


Some days it seems like it has gone fast and others, it seemes like it has gone on forever :) Right now, it is 4 something in the morning, and I just cannot sleep, so I figured why not get on the internet. I'm having a little girl (at least that's what they tell me). I will let you know as soon as she is born, and I'll try to get a picture on the web so you can see her. Thanks.

I've heard the one at Title 9 Sports is good

Although I have no personal experience, it's just what I've heard. Title 9 is a little on the pricey side, but not too unreasonable, I don't think. Their nursing bra is called "The Best Nursing Bra Ever" (not that they toot their own horn, or anything. LOL!) Their website is

Good luck!

Hi Emily!

How exciting! A beautiful lil' girl. I will be looking so forward to seeing a pix of her! We are expecting our VERY 1st. grandbaby in 2 1/2 months! :-jumpy I can't wait! I'll be checking in here everyday to hear your great news! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-01 AT 00:18AM (Est)[/font][p]If you are not very large chested, why do you need the extra support of the underwire? Even though you say that you cannot stand soft cup bras, it sounds like you have heard that underwire bras can contribute to clogged milk ducts. If you do decide to try a soft cup nursing bra, I would recommend the Warners cotton nursing bra that I am presently using (my baby is 3 months old.) I bought a few on sale half price at a department sale (try to go to a store that has a trained bra fitter- some department stores do). They are easy to open with one hand and I just toss them in the machine to wash them.

Please wait until your milk comes in before buying a nursing bra. Prepregnancy, I was 36C. By the end of my pregnancy, I was 42C - my rib cage had expanded, but the cup size had not changed. However, about 2 days after having my daughter, somebody broke into my hospital room and stole my breasts and replaced them with Pamela Anderson's! After a couple of days of warm showers and cabbage leaves, they came to settle at the size that they are now - 42DD. When I work out, I wear one of my nursing bras with a size smaller regular sports bra on top (which I already have)- a sports bra in the 42DD was too expensive.
I guess I've just gotten used to an underwire bra. That's what I've always worn, and I feel funny when I don't wear one. I'm hoping my chest doesn't grow too much while nursing. I'm one of those people that would rather be flat chested even though I'm not very big now. I've worn a 36B the for as long as I can remember, and that's what I'm still wearing in the last days of pregnancy. My husband would be delighted if all of the sudden I became a 42 DD :), but I'm hoping not to get too much bigger. I guess we'll just wait and see. Thanks for the suggestions.

RE: I had great luck with this site

i am sure this is too late but I buy my nursing bras at Wal mart and Penneys. Hey I figure I will only be wearing them for a year so why spend too much cash. Of course after 6 children I could have invested and gotten my $ worth. I too like the underwire. I am usually extremely small busted except when nursing and need the extra support for the d's I have when nursing. Hope you found the "right stuff"
RE: I had great luck with this site

Great collection of sports bras, some for nursing at

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