Give me your stories!



I need inspiration to make this morning sickness months more bearable! I've done this twice before (one child) and I just don't have the fight left to deal with it. Although I know I will make it somehow. Blech! Just let me know I am not the only one.
Well I can tell you you aren't the only one...

I'm only 7 weeks and this is number three (and last) for me...I have had more tiredness than EVER (of course running after two kids, one still in diapers probably has a lot to do with it). I made a promise I would do two to three days of cardio even if it is just a walk every week and at least weight train one body part per day, so far it's working, but man I long for the days when I did BodyMax and then said "heck let's add some more ab work" to that or yoga...oh well pregnancy doesn't happen that often and I figure as long as I maintain I'm doing good.

Stephanie :)
you are not alone

I can relate! I am in my 10th week now and the symptoms are going away. It was tough for a few weeks but I never stopped exercising. I would only feel worse. You don't want to get out of shape the first trimester because then you will have to decrease your intensity even more when you start working out again. Just keep plugging away ( I did lots of gagging during my step aerobics!)
Step 'n Gag

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-00 AT 00:11AM (EST)</font></center>

Don't you think that sounds like a great new theme workout?? Cathe Friedrich in . . . . .

(ta da and a drumroll please. . .. )

STEP 'N GAG, her new workout for moms in their first trimester!! And with the video you get your own free, Cathe logo barf bag for those just-in-case scenarios!

Truly Andrea, you are NOT alone. I got so ill during my pregnancies I could tell some real horror stories. With my first and worst I had only gained 2 pounds by 24 weeks. My belly was big but my arms and legs were stick thin and bony. I looked awful. I am convinced that if it were not for celery and peanut butter I would not have survived. I tell my firstborn, now 8, that she is made of celery and peanut butter because that's all I ate for nine months!

My second pregnancy was MUCH better except I do remember one trip to a restaurant where I ended up in the bathroom with my face on the floor bawling while my in-laws enjoyed a nice steak. . . My oldest was 3 at the time and got used to finding me laying on the bathroom floor in public places. She would say "mommy's on the floor, she's sick, it's OK, there's a baby in her UTERUS" in her matter-of-fact little way! (she always loved that last word and said it with pride, LOL!!)

My third pregnancy was almost as bad as the first, in some ways worse because DD#2 was still not walking and I had to tote her around. . . I did OK if I ate little protein-carb combos all the time, so with this baby I FINALLY gained "enough" weight for the first time. (and yes, this one is made of cheese and crackers). A large part of the reason I decided I was done having children was because I didn't think I could survive another pregnancy! I wanted four kids but felt like I just couldn't do it again. I'd love to have more kids but NO MORE PREGNANCIES!

All that just to say, honey, I FEEL YOUR PAIN! Please don't get too discouraged. You really WILL feel better sometime fairly soon. Be very forgiving of yourself, be kind to yourself, pamper yourself, avoid stress, GET OUTSIDE (walking out in the fresh air was one of the few things that WORKED for me). Feel sorry for yourself if you need to, but after a couple of hours you need to remember the joy that will be yours in a few months. This is just the first of many noble sacrifices of motherhood!! You're being NOBLE, Andrea! take heart!
First Trimester

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I was so sick during my first trimester I only worked out once a week (strength training--cardio made me even sicker). But at about thirteen or fourteen weeks, I suddenly felt like working out again.

I am 25 weeks now and working out about 5 1/2 hours a week (including about 1 1/2 hours of yoga) and I feel really great. When I was nine or ten weeks along I never thought I would feel this way until the baby was out. So all you have to do is hold on. I know that's easier said than done, though.

Thank you all!

I think I will print these out and re-read them when I need a boost. Especially Susan. I don't think I would have more than one. And I am glad to know I am not the only who lays on the floor bawling. My husband thinks I'm nuts for taking naps in the bathroom.
Thank you again! At least I know I'll feel normal again sometime in this lifetime!
you asked for it!

I am now 33 wks into my 6th ( this is not a typo!) pregnancy. I have worked out through all of them. Some were better than others at various times during gestation. What I can say from all of the experiences is that you MUST listen to your body! If you are feeling too ill to exercise,feel like you need a nap,then TAKE THAT NAP! and don't feel guilty about it! The sickness will pass and you will FEEL strong and like working out again. I have never noticed any loss in my fitness level by taking off this time to let my body rest and that baby grow. Your body is working hard maintaining LIFE! Off and on throughout this preg I have had a week or two where I am just too pooped to think about working out. On those days I go to bed when I have my 5 kids tucked away. Other weeks I have made 5-6 wo. Currently, I am still doing at least 2 days of cardio and 3 days of strength. Of course there is some modification for the buddah belly.
All this long winded reply to say, Hang in there!! These days will pass. There will be other days as hard and others much, much better. I have been pregnant for 58 months out of my 32 yrs. Still not a lot of time to take off what you need to let that new life grow! Hope you are feeling better already. Just having the will to continue your fitness level is to be commended!
I second the rest recommendation!

I have been various degrees of sick for all 4 of my pregnancies: pretty sick but dealable with the 1st 2, not sick at all with the third, and so sick I was down by 5 lbs by the end of my 1st trimester. One thing I learned pretty quickly in the morning sickness times was that if I didn't get enough rest, I was so sick I thought I would die. But getting plenty of rest helped a lot. I actually exercised the most in the pregnancy when I was sickest, because mild exercise helped as well. I had to be careful though not to work too hard, because I was already loosing weight becaus ei couldn't eat. If I had more than 2 or 3 bites at a time I got that nauseous, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" feeling. My husband was so worried, he didn't care what I ate, as long as I did. We walked out of 3 different restaurants 1 day because we were looking for a place to have lunch, and I would walk in and get sick from the smell. He didn't complain. He was just grateful when we found a place that I could stand long enough to eat my 2 bites. That's my other bit of advice. Susan talked about having only celery and PB one pregnancy and cheese and crackers another. EAT WHAT YOU CAN. Don't worry about what you SHOULD eat. My 4th baby weighed in at 9 lbs. He definitely didn't suffer because all I could manage for his 1st 3 months in the womb was a coule of bites here and there all day, usually NOT food in the "What to Eat When You're Expecting" recommended recipies.
Good luck!

I'm in my 7th week too

I'm in my 7th week too and am trying to exercise daily. The fatigue and nausea really depress me at times. I have found breaking my normal workout into shorter segments has helped. I am doing 30 minutes of strength/toning exercises in the morning then walking for 30 minutes with my 13 year old daughter in the evening when it cools off. I just read an article about vitamin B-6 to help fight that nauseous feeling. I am headed to Wal-mart to get some now. I will try anything reasonably safe. (The B-6 suggestion came from my doctor.) 100mg 3 times a day. It says that it may help if you aren't already vomitting. Maybe there is hope before the second trimester. Wr
Hang in'

I am 37 weeks now and still am tired but not dizzy and feeling like I was going to throw up all day like my first trimester. This is my last baby because it's just too hard to deal with the trials of all day sickness and then the tough 3rd trimester woes. Especially the weight gain...ugh! But remember that you are nurturing a baby and you will make it. That is what I'm trying to say to myself at least. Juat today, my doctor said that my baby is about 7 lbs. I don't know how they can tell. I also thought that my baby has never seen me! I wonder what he will think when he first lays eyes on me:)

During my first trimester, I stayed in bed for a whole month. I would literally sob in my pillow wishing the ickie yuckie gross feeling would leave! I started back into exercise slowly and it feels so much better when you exercise! It made the sickness bearable. It really is the only thing I look forward to. It's caring for your body when it's going through so much! I also munched on Japanese pear apples and raw carrots. Gum helps too. This was the only thing that helped me with that bad taste in my mouth.

Right now, I'm in that "beached whale" stage where I can hardly walk. It's like Frankenstein. I'm carrying the baby really low so it's hard . But I'm still exercising and doing the PS tapes with modification. Stepping is getting tougher but I lowered my step to 4 inches of course and this helps. But the ooooh the contractions are getting more prevalent. Weight lifting is much more enjoyable right now. Take care and know that you aren't alone:)
Maybe not such a good idea

I can't sleep tonight and I think it is because of the B-6 vitamin I took this afternoon. I am going to check with my doctor before trying this again. When I read the back of the bottle the dosage of 100mg 3 times a day exceeds the recommended daily allowance by about 6000%. (I only took one tablet) Can't figure how this could be good even if it stops nausea. (it didn't) I know doctors don't usually recommend anything even remotely dangerous during pregnancy, but I would rather be nauseous than sorry. I will post an update when I find out some more information. This info was on a handout from the ob/gyn clinic I go to. It was a list of drugs that could be taken safely during pregnancy for different symptoms. I really wonder if there isn't a typo on it. I will ask at my next visit.
Hi Wr

I took b6 with my last prenancy, which ended in miscarriage at 12 weeks. I'm not saying that caused it, and I was only taking one tablet a day for about 2 weeks. It did not help me, and those things start to get annoying to swallow! I also tried seasickness bands. Didn't work either. I am pretty much thinking there is no cure, but these stories are extremely uplifting to me. My doctor told me that the nausea will start going away at about 13 weeks for most people. ANd his nurse said "STAY HYDRATED!" I do feel better when I am drinking water throughout the day, than when I don't.

It sounds like we will be due around the same time. Good Luck!
I haven't felt it yet this time, but last time I nearly hospitalized myself

I was so sick, I lost 15 pounds just by not eating and throwing up. Around week 14, I was throwing up 12 times a day (due to getting the flu). I also had hyperptyalism (drooling) and serious post nasal drip which made me even sicker.

The food aversions and drooling and nausea rapidly stopped around week 14.5 (I decided to get myself hospitalized, and the next day when I was going to see my OB - it went away for good).

It will pass - but take it easy. Working out should not be paramount right now - because sometimes that makes it worse. Just be good to yourself - it will pass soon and you will be able to jump on the bandwagon again!


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