Give Info on what Chapters, Mix & Match, etc. is About


I have noticed in the forums that there are quite a few who are not sure about what the chapters and mix and match functions are all about. If you're new to Cathe DVDs and don't visit the forums, I know it's just a matter of trying it out (like I did).

I think it would be very helpful if a short note is included in the DVD menu that explains how the chapter or mix and match work.

As an example (as I remember it):

CHAPTERS: Select any workout to start with. The player will play all exercises from that point.

MIX & MATCH: Select a workout. The player will play that exercise and bring you back to this menu when done to select another exercise.

If at all possible, can the Premixes show which exercises are included?

Just some suggestions.
Interesting idea.
I'd change, though, "select a workout" to either "select a chapter" or "select a menu item."

I especially like the idea of premixes listing the exercises (or maybe just the segments--like "ankle weight floorwork" or "chest exercises" if all exercise of a segment are included). I've seen this done on other DVD's, and they dealt with the possible 'screen space' problem (ie: not being able to fit both the list of the premixes and the contents of the premixes on one screen) by having the contents of each premix shown by clicking on the premix name.

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