Gifts for Guys

A truck.
A gun.
A six pack.
A subscription to Playboy.
Season tickets to football.

A tie.

He'd like a gun.
He has me - he doesn't need Playboy;)
He hates trucks:p

He doesn't wear ties
He has more socks than will fit in the drawer
He doesn't wear aftershave

I guess I'll go with a gun then.
wal-mart has the axe gift packs for under $7 those smell good you can get one of those or a bigger one if they have them.

LOL@playboy i should have though of that but then i couldn't get DH out of the bathroom. he likes the "articles"


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

I bought my DH TIVO this year...I bought playstation 2 another year...I bought him a lap top computer last year...any of this helping???

ETA: Kathryn's post about season tickets to football got me dh would LOVE season tickets to hockey (Devils games) but we poor folk can't afford that! LOL
i wish i could afford to get the new xbox,and even gamecube games are outragous. he got mostly movies. i found the local video store was selling their used copies buy 2 get one free and they were all under $15 and he got two hickory farms beef sticks.loves those.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Tell us a bit more about your SO. Swiss army has a new pocket knife that has a memory card on it. I would get one of those for DH except he travels a lot and cant' take knives. But I thought that was a cute idea.

I bought my DH a horrifically expensive headlight for his Ducati. He owes me big for that!

I bought him a little paper airplane kit, and the new Sheryl Crow CD. I am a bit stumped too. . .
More about my SO? Well, let's see, his two main hobbies are playing Warhammer (which is also his job) and playing Everquest on the computer. He was working out for a while but seems to have given up on that whole deal. He doesn't watch movies, or play video games (apart from EQ), I already got him a CD and a book, he doesn't wear aftershave or cologne.

I don't know. He's just impossible.x(

Of course, as Robin said, I have PMS this week, so I hate him anyway}(
Shelley, is he a puter geek? Sounds like it. If he is, and you need some input from another puter geek, let me know and I'll ask DH. Nothing gets my DH so excited as a back-up power supply or a "surge protector", so if you've got a geek on your hands, I say ask another geek.
Oh, also men seem to love their gadgets. You can go on a website like or something and get gadget ideas.
Guys like gadgets. Don't know if your SO would be into this but I'm getting DH a GPS for geocaching (Garmin eTrex Legend). Hubby has taken the kids a couple of times and they have a lot of fun finding their stash (or whatever you call it!) You can learn more at

If that idea doesn't appeal you can always get the gun. ;-)

My guy doesn't like gadgets. Nor is he a 'puter geek. *sigh*

Marie - I've tried that. He just said "oh yeah.... you look better in person".

You see why I'm in trouble here?
Maybe you can give him a barage of gifts. Make him some CD's of music you both like, give him a cool video game(my DH LOVED God of War), give him a subscription to a non porn but cool mag, make him an AWESOME treat(brownies,cookies,etc), give him a monthly "subscription" to a beer club(one where you get to try a new beer every month), go out and have a wildly expensive evening together with a hotel stay involved(a gift to eachother), and after it's all over, tell him how spoiled he is!!

Ok, that's all I can come up with off the top of my head!!

My DH always winks, grins and says "You know what I want..." Since he hardly ever gets THAT, that's what he gets.
Maybe you should go with the gun. If he doesn't like it, use it and your worries are over for next year...
If I were buying a gift for my DH, which I am not because we don't exchange gifts, he would definitely want a gun or a knife or anything related to either one. He also loves gadgets of all sorts. He loves to cook and would love any kind of kitchen gadget or nice cookware.


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