getting stronger and familiar with cathe


I just have to say how neat it is - I've only been doing the cathe workouts for about a little over a month and yesterday I went back to an older tape- buns of steel (which used to make me swear at the tv because I couldn't get though it) now I went through the tape and when it came to the end I was like "that's it...hmmm seemed harder before" I was so happy- I mean it's still a little difficult- but not nearly as bad as before- and when I'm doing the cardio segments with Cathe I'm catching on to her moves- YIPPIE!!! I thought I'd never get it....that just shows ya I guess to keep going and if you can't get a move down- just watch and run in place or do something challenging while watching and soon you'll get in there and be right with her- what a great feeling!!!
Way to go! I rememer the feeling and thinking that I was on top of the world, and I could accomplish anything the first time I got through Power Max, my first Cathe tape. What a great feeling htat is, great work!


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