Getting it all in


I just wanted some helpful advise or examples of how you guys get it all in. This is my first day back to work since our little one was born 10 weeks ago and I want to get a schedule down and try to stick to it. Any ideas or examples. Nadia sleeps from about 9pm until 5:30. So I try to do a little after she goes to bed, but by the time I clean everything up and then get started I only get in about a 30 minute cardio session, if that and my energy level is pretty low. I am going to try to fit some weights or something in at lunch to supplement my short evening workout, but my lunch is only 30 minutes so it won't be long either. I guess anything is better than nothing, but I am anxious to be able to fit into more of my clothes!
Hi Annette, I workout in the mornings, if I wait unitl nite time my energy is spent from the day. I used to put my ds to sleep at around 9:30 or 10:00 amd he would wake up later in the morning which let me workout 1st. The good news is that Nadia will wake up later on her own in due time so hang in there.
I can say from experience if finding time to work out is hard and you are looking to loose a few lbs, really, really watch your diet and eat clean. Diet is about 70-80%. For me with my DD I work out first thing. If you have time after the baby gets up for a feeding try to squeeze it in there. IMO, again just MO, working out before breakfast in the morning helps burn more fat.
However, you are soooo lucky your 10 week old sleeps from 10-5:30, my 5 month old only sleeps from 9:15-7!

Good luck!
Hi Annette. Congrats on your little one. I work full-time outside the home and I have a 6-month old and an (almost) 5 year old and let me tell you, for me I find it very hard to get in a consistent work out. I"m up everyday at 5:00 (which is when I get ready, eat breakfast, etc). I get my boys up at 6:00 and we are out the door by 6:45 - if I wanted to do a morning workout I'd have to get up at 4:00 - I've tried that and I'm a zombie. LOL. I've been trying to get my workout done around 7:00pm but Gannon doesn't cooperate all the time and I tend to only get in 3/4 of my workout. But I'm accepting that getting some of it done is better then nothing at all.

I see that you are going to try to get in some exercise during your lunch. Good for you! I try to walk everyday during my lunch break.

Also, I second what Jana said about healthy eating.

Good luck and I"m sure that you'll find something that fits with you and your family. :)
Morning workouts have been my savior. But also, I didn't really get back into my old workout routine until my daughter was about 8 months old. It just takes awhile to adjust to the sleep deprivation and new routine.

My daughter will be three next month and I have a good routine now. I get up at 5 a.m. and workout until 6:30, then shower and get ready. She gets up around 7 or 7:30 and we have breakfast together before I go to work. (Her daddy takes her to daycare and I pick her up)

I don't know what your schedule is like and whether you need your daughter to get up at 5:30. If she can sleep later, you may want to put her to bed earlier. She's not getting very much sleep according to the schedule you outlined above, and kids who don't get enough sleep actually tend to wake up earlier. My daughter goes to bed every night at 8 and sleeps 11 hours. A really good book on the sleep topic is Sleeping Through the Night by Jodi Mindell.

Good luck.
HI! Good luck to you. I don't work, so I can't help in that dept. But I think what Marleysmom said is key as well, eat right and 30 minutes of what you say you're doing is great. 30 minutes will get you where you want as long as you do it at least 5 times a week. Better than nothing that's for sure!! Remember it'll take some time no matter what. It's only 10 weeks;-)

Jana, that's what Hannah was like at 5 months. Wait til Marley is getting everywhere and super active (scooting, then crawling and pulling to a stand, then climbing)she'll get so pooped out and start going to bed earlier and earlier.
But I find when she poops out before 8, we miss her silly lil face while we are hanging out, watching tv, etc.

:D :D :D
Thank you guys for you advise and help!! I will try to post in a month or so and let you know how it is going. I am within 15 pounds of my goal weight so hopefully between eating clean and my mini-workouts I will get there sooner than later.

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