Getting Fustrated


So I went for my visit today to the doctors and I havent dilated any. He said my cervix is thinning but no dilation...BUMMER! I am due on the 10th so i still have a week to go. I hate this feeling right now of being completely useless. I have still been working and by the time i get home i cant do anything but just take it easy. I am exhausted. I feel like a bear! Anyone else have this feeling?

Hang in there Melissa! I know it seems like each day is a month at this stage, because you are so excited but also because you are so miserable! Just because there are no signs does not mean it could happen quickly the next day. Here is some encouragement for you. My friend went to the doctor, 2 weeks before her due date, with no signs of progression. 2 days later she had her beautiful baby. You never know!

I am in the exact same predicament! I was due on 12/2 (this past Sunday) and as of yesterday, I have not dilated beyond "fingertip". Supposedly my cervix is thinning a bit. I have also continued to work, and by the time I get home with my 20-month old, it's all I can do to feed her dinner, give her a bath, get pjs on, give her some milk, read her some books, brush her teeth, and get her to bed. Then I just crash. I'm waiting for that burst of "nesting" energy you hear so much about!

Well, I'm doing a labor dance for both of us at this point. Hang in there.

Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl?
Thanks for the words of encouragement. At this point i definatly need them. I am glad to hear that i am not the only one who feels this way. I hate the feeling of not having the energy to do things. I am not a person who can sit around and watch tv and do nothing. I am going nuts some days. To answer your question Linda i am having a boy. They said a couple of weeks ago that he was high 7lbs to 8 lbs already. I am sure he will be a big boy.

Thanks again
Hi there--I don't pop down on the pregnancy forum very often lately.

I've had 6 children and the last week of pregancy is second in discomfort only to morning sickness. I can't breathe, I can't move very well, I'm huge, and I'm usually a crying emotional mess thinking that the baby will never come.

Hang in there;)


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