general questions - ttc


Hi all,

Hubby and I are going to start ttc. Well...that is if I'm not already. I'm due to start this week, but nothing so far...other than fatigue and headaches and a few small "pingy-like" cramps. Anyhow - Ideally I'd like to get myself in better shape before we start trying, but if it happens - are you still able to keep working out? I know that obviously the focus would shift from losing weight to being healthy, but are there restrictions on what types of exercise you can do? Also - do I need to stop drinking completely? I know that is ideal...but if it doens't happen for 3-4 months or more, do I need to be giving up my glass of wine or cocktail?

I started taking a regular "mega woman's vitamin". Do you think this is ok, or should it be an actual "prenatal"? I'd love to hear from you "experts". I am hoping to be a board member before too long!

I'll try to answer your questions, but I'm no professional:)

1. Yes, most women can keep working out, listening to their bodies for cues as to intensity, impact, weight lifted, etc...

2. If I were trying to conceive and were a drinker, I would stop completely, but I tend not to be a risk taker. The early days of pregnancy are when the baby is most vulnerable. JMHO

3. I think the vitamin you are taking is fine as long as you are getting enough iron and folate or folic "?"--i'm having a bout of "pregnant brain"--folic acid, I think?

I started my fifth pregnancy about 25-30 lbs overweight and worked out with Cathe for the whole thing, modifying as needed. I was able to lose all the baby weight and then some 23 extra lbs post partum. Now I am pregnant with our 6th and although I am gaining more than I wold like, I am staying in the habit of exercising as intensely as my body will allow.

Best of luck and keep us posted!!


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