

Does anyone have any experience with this or "delayed stomach emptying"? In the latest installment of my very bad year now I am dealing with this. I was in the hospital for a week trying to get rehydrated and to get my stomach to calm down. I had the test that confirmed "delayed gastric emptying" and was put on Reglan to help start up some stomach contractions. Yesterday was a good day, but today is a bad day and I am sort of freaking out. I don't want to have to go back to the hospital, but I can't get enough to eat or drink to be stable or even bordering on healthy.

Any words of wisdom or experience would be very appreciated.


I'm not sure how much help this will be, but here goes. I know how when I post a question, I'm always anxious to read a reply. I have a bit of experience with your problem, but more experience with stomach issues in general.

A couple of summers ago I went through tons of tests to see what was wrong with my stomach. The final verdict was IBS, but after having the test where they give you oatmeal w/dye in it and film it going through your body, I was put on Reglan. I experienced a lot of side effects with the drug and told the doctor, who took me off of it.

I just felt all along that this was not the solution for me. Sounds like you should go back for another option. If the medicine isn't helping or you're still experiencing pain, etc. I would at the minimum call and express your concerns. You're looking for a solution which will allow you to live a comfortable life.

I have also realized that stress has a lot to do with stomach issues! Since you mentioned you've had "a very bad year," maybe this could also be the problem.

I know how frustrating this can be. I am sending hugs your way. You will eventually find a plan that works for you. I'm now just taking Miralax twice a week mixed in with a shake, and that has pretty much made me normal again. Hang in there!
I don't know much about gastroparesis, but I have had multiple gastric/duodenal ulcers. They can cause slow emptying of the stomach. I took reglan and it did nothing. I did better with nexium and carafate. I hope you feel better soon. I know you are probably scared so hang in there.
I have gastroparesis and I have struggled with it for several years now. You are fortunate that you can take Reglan because it seems to be the only medication that can help the gastric emptying. I had a severe reaction so I can't take it. I have some periods where it is really bad and I can't eat or drink anything. Zofran helps because I have chronic nausea.

I don't have any special knowledge or advice for you about this, but I'll remember you in my prayers and I hope your doc can find a solution.
trish k

Would you be willing to talk more via e-mail. I would so appreciate being able to communicate with someone who has been through this. If you are my e-mail address is [email protected]



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