full body workout question


I posted this question in the rotation section on a post that discussed how frequently to change workouts. I didn't get a response so i'm hoping posting here will get me some good answers by all you intelligent ladies:) I enjoy doing full body workouts most. So i was wondering if i should stick with one same workout for 3-4 weeks and then switch to a different full body workout for another 3-4 weeks? So in other words, muscle max for 3 weeks and then power hour for 3 weeks etc. or should i just combine them throughout the week.
I combine them since they are all full body workouts and not too terribly different. From there I would change it up with intervals with some cardio also. Right now I'm working STS, before that I would usually do two to three full body workouts per week and combine that with running or cycling.
I prefer total body workouts, and I mix them up. I'd get really bored if I did nothing but MM for 3 weeks. You're doing the same type of work with most TB videos, so you're not sacrificing anything by changing them up.

I like MM and the total body premixes on DM, LIC, 4DS.
I also have Supersets and Push/Pull, High Step Challenge and High Step Training.
I regularly rotate these, and tend to do 2-3 total body weight routines/week.
Yes you could. HOwever for maximum results you'll want to change the lifting patterns and weights in order to continue getting the results you want. I don't have Power Hour so I am not familar with the set/rep counts. But like someone else said if you MM for 3-4 weeks then switched to let's say Pyramid Series (has a total body premix) for 3-4 weeks then either back to MM or go onto Push/pull for 3-4 weeks. The more you can keep the body guessing, the better. I'd even suggest 1-2 weeks of circuits or compound exercises in bwt your total body DVDs. You'll still work all of the major muscle groups, but you'll really fire up the metabolism and shock the system. So perhaps consider Drill Max, LIC, or BM2 in between your 3-4 week lifting sessions.

Yes, in the long and short you can. As long as you challenge yourself with weights as that too keeps the body guessing.

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