From Kathy S. -- A Wee Brag on my Son Plus Update on Rotations


Hi guys --

Just a quick note to let you know that I haven't yet sent out the updates on Rotations, so if you're wondering why you haven't heard from me don't worry -- no one's been left out. I've been picking up a few new rotations here and there for the 2001 tapes and have been including those in my Volumes II and III documents.

We are going on a short vacation tomorrow a.m. and I had hoped to get these out to you guys before we left, but I've been really swamped this week. Our family just finished participating as an Athlete Host Family and as Proud Parents of a Medal-Winning Athlete in the 2001 Maccabi Games in Atlanta. These games are the Junior Olympics for Jewish athletes ages 13 to 17 from the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Israel. They are modeled after the Olympics, and this has been so professionally mounted and so much like the real Olympics (pin-trading and all), that we've just been blown away. About 1800 athletes from more than 25 cities participated in 20 sports over 5 days. The Opening Ceremonies last Sunday night were produced by TNT at Phillips Arena (home of the Atlanta Hawks). More than 10,000 wildly cheering spectators watched the athlete delegations march in to balloons, confetti, giant hot air balloon people, colored spotlights roaming the arena, and rock music blaring. To see the faces of those kids as they walked into the arena was just something I'll never forget.

And -- and y'all PLEASE excuse the brag, but if not to you folks then to whom? -- our beloved Alex played on one of the two 14 & Under Boys Soccer teams fielded by the Atlanta delegation. (It took him 6 weeks of tryout rounds last winter to make the team, I must tell ya. :)) Alex's team took the bronze medal in a shoot-out at the end of a nerve-wracking tied game against Team Boca Raton, and Alex made one of the winning shots!! Woo hoo! :-jumpy

We had two absolutely adorable 14-year-old soccer guys from Kansas City staying in our home, and Ken and I have spent the last five days happily doing about 20 loads of stinky soccer player laundry (ever cleaned out a teenage boy's equipment bag after it's been fermenting in the sun for 5 hours??), buying I can't count how many cartons of orange juice and milk and Coke (no Pepsi in this city!), making popcorn and cooking late-night snack food and whole boxes of breakfast waffles, vacuuming endless soccer-field debris from our carpets, and ferrying our athletes and our visiting family members to and from the venues all over Atlanta. We've gotten about 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night and are beyond exhausted, but it's been so worth it I can't tell you guys. What an amazing experience!

So we're off to Portland tomorrow for four days of R&R, and when I get back I promise all 178 of you on my list will receive all 3 updated Rotations volumes (now with tables of contents that will mouse-click you right to each indexed page), plus a new document where I've compiled a bibliography of Cathe's tapes and her write-up on the differences among her strength tapes.

See you all next Friday! (Then maybe a week to wait for my DVD's!!!!!)

Kathy S.
WOW Kathy! :-wow I just want you to know how much I appreciate all your time and effort in compiling these volumes of rotations for all of us here! You're the best! Three cheers to Kathy!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy


PS (And you can brag all you want about your wonderful son Alex!)
Hi Kathy S.
I am not new to Cathe's tapes and I love them all but I am new to reading all the emails, questions and answers. I am very interested in the rotations. If you could make 179th on your list it would be much appreciated. You can email me at
[email protected]
Thank you and have a wonderful vacation!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-01 AT 01:07AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kathy, you can brag on your son anytime you want! Sounds like you had a wonderful time through the experience.
Thank you so much for all you have done to get these documents together for all of us...I appreciate it more than I can say.

[marquee]CONGRATULATIONS ALEX!!! YOU DID IT!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy[/marquee]
PLease Brag!

Hi Kathy,

We love to hear great things about our youths!!!!
Congratulations for surviving. It takes alot of energy to do what you have done!

PS... could you please include "[email protected]" to your list. Thank You!!!

PLease keep us posted on the champions!!!
Kathy...I so enjoyed reading about the event and your son. Feel free to share anytime. I was very involved a few years back with a youth group and miss it (them) very much.

Hi Kathy! Congratulations on Alex's team winning the bronze medal. You must feel so much pride that your busting. Just from reading your post I was so exhausted! Get some well deserved R&R. Thanks so much for thinking of all of us even after your vacation to send out those rotations. What a peach you are! Take care, Kathy
Hi Kathy
I'm not sure if this is the right way to ask since I'm new to this forum (and also apparently the only French fan ???), but I'd be really interested in all the rotations you have worked out.
Could you possibly mail them to me at [email protected]?
Thanks very much in anticipation.

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