frequent "head rushes"


i find that since i started working out a lot--like 1 1/2 years ago, starting with the firm and recently moving on the cathe about 3-4 months ago--i get a LOT of "head rushes", almost whenever i get up from any seated position. ami i just moving too quickly because i have more energy than ive ever head? is this a low blood pressure symptom? any knowledge or advice would be appreciated,


RE: frequent

It could be a low blood pressure symptom, have it checked or check it when you've sat down for more then 20 minutes. It could also be caused if you twisted or pulled your neck.

I have extreamly low blood pressure and have to take meds for it. Without my meds it's somehere around 78/40 and that's sitting up, if I lay down it's even lower. Now it's considered just low which is 80/60.

Do get it checked as low blood pressure after a while can affect energy, as well as the fact that if you want to get out of a building quickly you want to do it without passing out. Also it could be blood sugar, too much fruit at once or any sugar, etc, and your body can absorb all the sugar at one time, can give you a head rush as well.

I'd get both checked to be on the safe side. But I'm sure your doctor will when you tell them what's going on.


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