Freaking out - please help . . .


Hi, ladies!

I had something happen to me this morning that I'm not understanding. . .

DH and I are TTC with our FIRST child. This is our second try at it. My last period started Aug. 31 and ended about Sept. 2/3. I'm pretty regular with my cycles (28-30) days. We have been TTC ever since my period ended.

Today, 9/11, I have had very mild cramps, and bleeding. I don't know if I'd call it "spotting." It's MUCH lighter than a period, however, it seems a bit heavier than "spotting."

Yikes! Any ideas?

Could this possible be implantation? I don't know about the bleeding, but I know that a few days after the successful sperm and egg connect, the implantation occurs. For each of my pregnancies I have "felt" that occur. For each one it was between 2 and 4 days after having sex. I don't remember any bleeding with it, but I did have mild cramping and definite light pains during this time. Maybe call your OB/GYN for his or her advice... good luck! Heather
I would have thought implantation too - but that doesn't usually occur until day 20 depending on when you ovulate. Strangely Heather has hit upon a point that I didn't think about until I read her response. When I conceived my current pregnancy (1st pregnancy btw), I felt something occur 2-3 days after sex. I had cramping and pain which lasted a few hours until I took a tylenol. At the time, I just thought it was terribly painful ovulation - now I am not so sure! I did not have any spotting until a few days later (after my pain and it was very light) - so light I dismissed it initially. Have you taken a pregnancy test? Was your last period as heavy as they have been in the past? I would also check what your next period is like (does it arrive on time, heaviness etc)- if you have anything else like this, I would visit the dr. good luck!:7

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