Former spice girl


Does anyone know what kind of workouts Geri Halliwell did to get into such great shape. She looks awesome.

I remember she appeared on the Chris Evans show ages ago and said that she had lost all the weight mainly through yoga. Apparently that is still her main form of exercise. I don't really believe that though. I also read in one of the tabloids (I think it was News of the World) that she used to encourage all the other girls to diet a lot with her.
So funny, I specifically remember reading a little article in a magazine awhile back about Geri. It was about how she shaped up for her solo debut. I don't remember any specifics, but it was a combination of diet and exercise (of course, and by 'diet' I mean very restrictive, like 'zone' or something like that, not like 'normal person very healthy eating') but I do remember thinking, "yow! Crazy..." so I don't recall it as being all that realistic. I remember thinking it was way too much/restrictive in both diet and exercise. Like, the 'not liveable' type of restrictive. I also remember it was definitely more than just yoga! :)

I am so convinced that celebrities come up with these very pat answers to questions about their fitness and nutrition routine (which, heck, who can blame them, they're probably asked 300 times a day. I'm no celebrity and even I get sick of people asking me, so I can imagine what they go through, not that I feel *bad* for them or anything, I can just understand).
I remember a friend of mine telling me that she read that Madonna does 'only yoga' to stay in shape (but also runs, obviously, since she's always in the magazines, running in a park somewhere) and I am SURE, with arms like that, that Madonna only does yoga...

Okay, who am I to say. It just seems - - verrry unlikely to me. That's all.

I copied a quote from her that was in People magazine regarding her workouts.

"I've been every shape and size," says the former Ginger Spice, who has now figured out what she really, really wants: a balanced mix of cardio, kickboxing and, most importantly, an ab-solutely fabulous regimen of sit-ups and three yoga sessions a week. "Yoga's good for strengthening," says Halliwell. "With the breathing, it massages the stomach without your even realizing it."

I've read that she is on a VERY strict diet- in fact, she avoids certain places so she won't be tempted by the food. Below is something I recently read about that too (sorry this is a long post, but I remembered having just read this stuff):

SEXY pop star Geri Halliwell has gone on a new "danger" diet in a bid to shed half a stone. She is cutting out ALL carbohydrates like bread, potatoes and pasta. Friends telly star Jennifer Aniston lost 17lbs in just three months using the plan that is sweeping America's celebrity circuit. But the controversial regime has been branded a danger by experts, who warn that a healthy body NEEDS carbohydrates. A close pal said: "Geri feels great at the moment and reckons the diet is working fine. She wants to get a little more trim and feel confident about herself. Her weight does fluctuate and she tends to put it on around her face." UN goodwill ambassador Geri piled on the pounds during her stay with best mate George, 35, and his lover Kenny Goss as the trio enjoyed a string of dinner dates at LA eateries. The diet allows Geri to eat as much protein as she wants - such as bacon and eggs at breakfast, steak and salad for lunch and meat or fish in the evening with cooked vegetables. Geri has fought a long battle to control her weight and has talked openly about the eating disorder bulimia which plagued her at the height of her fame as Ginger Spice.
RE: Info!

How about Janet Jackson, Miss Best Abs 2002 and her workouts. How does she do it?

And has anyone noticed Rebecca Budig as Greenlee on All My Children? She's got really pumped looking arms. I wonder what her workouts are like.
I believe that Madonna COULD have arms like that from just doing yoga. If you've ever done a really hard power yoga workout like Mark Blanchard's The Power Within, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-02 AT 07:09AM (Est)[/font][p]I am going to tick some people off here but I cannot understand why you'd want to use some phoney baloney Hollywood type as a model for fitness. Airbrushing and bullshi**ing in magazine interviews and then going off and doing something extreme and unhealthy to get down or keep down to a certain weight is mostly, not always, but mostly, what it's about with those people. There are exceptions....Budig is one. I believe she actually is a runner if I'm not mistaken.
I am always amazed at how bad and unhealthy alot of these people look when they get caught in a photograph without alot of makeup, lighting, and so forth.
I think fitness pros like Cathe are the ones to emulate. Mia Hamm, Lance Armstrong, Cal Ripken, Nolan Ryan, Wayne Gretzky....these athletes know what it takes and how to get there. I've gotten good info from reading about all of these people. Admittedly, they stay in shape to make a living but they are in "functionally sound" shape and not just doing it for "the look".
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Hip Hip Horray! True dat Trevor. Look at the Williams sisters. Now that is inspiring! I personally look up to Geri because she overcame breast cancer and an eating disorder, but I do not wish to lead her life. And I'm not sure how tall she is, but Janet Jackson went onto a liquid protein diet and got to a size 1. That doesn't seem healthy to me. Not everyone who appears healthy is. Even some fitness competitors admit to bringing 2 sets of clothes with them because they binge after the shows. I want to be a healthy Jill, not a duplicate of a star or model. But I wouldn't mind having Amy Fahdli's butt. Have you seen how high that thing is?
Hi Jill!
I'd never heard of Amy Fahdli until you mentioned her so I went to her website. You're right about her butt.....VERY nice to say the least! lol!
Trevor :)
Can I give you a virtual hug???

As for Janet Jackson: People, she is SCARY.
It's just my personal opinion, I respect yours if you do not agree with me, and I hope I don't offend you.

I could elaborate on all the details of WHY I find her to be scary, but I'll leave it. That wouldn't be nice. It's bad enough that I'm calling her scary to begin with.
Maybe I should say, more diplomatically, "SHE scares ME."

ON Madonna's workouts. I have her personal trainers book Fitness is Religion and she was deep into the Yoga when he wrote that and he talks about it too. She has a private Yoga instructor she works with AND she also works with her personal trainer sometimes up to 3 hours a day. They do run a lot.
Hi Kathy!
Consider yourself virtually hugged.....or hugged! :)
You don't have to be diplomatic....let it fly girl! We can take it.....
Trevor :) :-jumpy
"Is it because she can sing while grinning real wide and you don't see her lips or teeth move?"

hmmm. it seems that you've just come up with yet ANOTHER reason she scares me...
Thanks Trevor!

Let me eat my words. There is every possibility that Madge is the cut beast she is from yoga.
Regarding Madonna's arms, I think I read somewhere once that she used to lift a lot of weights which made her arms like that - that woman has got some MUSCLE. This article also said that she now maintains her bod with hours of Ashtanga yoga a day.
Geri's height

I just read that Geri is about 5'2"-5'3". She's actually coming out with a yoga video!! Her yoga instructor said that Geri is short/small framed so not everyone can look like her.

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