for those of you working out in the living room

Hi Phyllis,

I don't use anything to protect my carpet, and as far as "attractive" place to keep my workout stuff, no. But I do keep it unattractively. I think it's pretty neat, though, the way the step fits under the coffee table:

Nancy - I want your couch.

Phyllis - I work out in the living room, but I have a huge closet very nearby where I keep all my weights and step and various bits of paraphenalia. There are drawers in my TV cabinet where the weight gloves and bands live.

As for anything on top of the carpet, nope. It's just an area rug on hardwood floor.
Thanks, Shelley, but I think your house is absolutely gorgeous, and I wouldn't change a single thing if I were you.
When I had my carpet replaced three years ago, there were some very large remnants that I had bound and I now use them on top of the new (now three-year-old) carpet for my workouts. They really show the wear and are kind of black I think from the step. Sooo--I am very happy that I have not worn big spots in my actual carpet. I just roll up the remnants after I am done with my workout.
Of course Shelley is coming to the NYC GTG. That goes without saying. }( :+ :p (And you can all have all the furniture you want, as I intend to be redecorating next year.)
Thats a great idea, using remnants! My carpet is going to be replaced soon,so I dont care too much about how worn it is getting since I have been working out in my living room. I am definately going to remember that remnants tip for when I get my new flooring!
Hi, Phyllis...I keep my step, weights, ball, and other equipment behind our sofa, as it does not fit underneath of it. And I just have an area rug over hard wood floors as well. I use a rug remnant to save the area rug and also as a shock absorber. Personally, I love to have the workout equipment out and around. It's a big part of my life and I don't mind it being out and around.

Nancy...your step does look lovely under the coffee table!

Shelley...Sophie is just absolutely gorgeous!!! And your house is beautiful as well.
I've been using my kids old no-pile 4'x6' play rug for almost 10 years now. I got it from Home Depot and I think they still sell them. It does shift during workouts and I have to stop and reposition it every 10 minutes or so during cardio workouts. When I'm done I roll it up and throw it behind the sofa.

Thanks for the house compliments, Nancy and others. My house still needs a ton of work. It doesn't fill me with joy yet.:)

I'm coming to the NY GTG? Are you all chipping in to pay for me to get there?:p

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