? for nutritionist/ PT's/ or just knowledgeable...


Hi all,

Over the past 16 months and 200.5lbs, I've learned a lot about calories in vs. calories out, benefits of clean eating, etc., but there is one thing that has always nagged at me off and on, my question is this:

How come I can have a week where my eating is "a little off" and go over my target calories, but still I'll maintain my weight because of my workouts? But people who don't even count calories or workout maintain too? I feel like there has to be something I'm missing in the equation?
I feel like if "I" stopped working out, I'd gain at least 5lbs within a month, so why don't people who don't exercise at all gain like 5lbs/month every month and be waddling down the street?
Is it that once your body is "use to" burning the calories via exercise, it expects the exercise so if you stop, it doesn't burn calories at the same rate? Therefore, those that don't work out to begin with, their bodies don't have the same expectations, so regardless of how they eat, they just don't gain as quickly?

I ask this for several reasons:

1. knowing people who do no form of exercise and eat poorly, yet still aren't gaining weight like I think they should be from lack of exercise.
2. knowing people who work out only 3x/week(or less) for 30min and still maintain their weight, where I'm busting my hump daily doing some form of exercise be it cardio/strength training or yoga/stretching (active rest day) 7 days/week, and I'll maintain my weight on that! (unless I'm experiencing some plateau from hell! cause my weight isn't moving, neither are the inches lately!)
So why can I work so hard, yet I watch friends/family eating pizza, subs, cookies, ICE CREAM, fast foods, etc., and they maintain their weights just fine?

There has to be a scientific reason for this which is why I'm turning to you, the experts/knowledgeable!

By my calculations, each of these people should be busting out their seems any minute, because they eat like this 24/7, and my "simple a**" is turning down everything thinking, "clean eating will help me achieve my goals, pizza won't!" I don't deny myself everything, but as most of you know, the REALLY great tasting stuff isn't healthy for you, so you say no because it's either high in calories, fat or both.
So how come people who don't work out aren't exploding daily? We should be looking at the news and seeing headlines like, "man explodes from 1 Wendy's triple too many today..."

Thanks in advance for your input,
Donna aka "frustrated and going through ice cream withdrawal!"
I am probably none of the above, but I am someone who was a real fattie as a child, and had girlfriends who were skinny and ate about twice what I did. I also had girlfriends in high school who lived on fries, cokes, ice cream, pizza, corn dogs, and I couldn't eat any of that stuff without blowing up like that monster marshmallow in Ghostbusters. I kept my weight just barely under control and boy was that tough because Twiggy was the big model in my 20s and impossible for me to emulate with my metabolism. I did not do anything more serious about exercising until I was in my 30s (I am 55 now). I finally have my weight under control thanks to exercise and eat pretty much what I want, but never to excess. I "THINK SYLPH" when I put a portion on my plate, but I don't deprive myself of anything. At restaurants, I never finish what is on my plate, because they always give me (or anyone for that matter) too much food. My old girlfriends who don't exercise, who were skinny and ate whatever they wanted, WHO NEVER SUFFERED AS I DID AND NEVER LEARNED AND PRACTICED SELF-CONTROL WHICH I HAD TO, now have a lot of excess weight,do not exercise because they and I belonged to the generation that did not believe in getting all sweaty--well, they are now envying me. I just tell them to start exercising, but a couple of them say that the real secret is learning how to make a habit of self-discipline when you are younger. One friend, believe it or not, thinks I was lucky to have been so chubby when I was little.

I think what you are doing for yourself now, Donna, you will put in the bank for later, so when you are my age, you will have everyone out there envying you and wondering how you manage to be in such good shape. I also think you should give yourself that half-cup of ice cream, that slice of pizza, that mini-sub. My advice is to "Think sylph" (even if you will never be one--my metabolism won't let me, that's for sure)when you eat, but don't deprive yourself.

I also read all of your posts because I think you are a grand lady.
Some people just have very fast metabolisms. And more muscle mass than others (aka fast metabolism). My boyfriend can eat whatever he wants and never gains a pound. But he is also very energetic and never sits still.
some people naturally overeat while some don't have big appetites. I personally love food so I have to workout so I can eat as much as I want.
Look on the bright side; those of us who exericse are going to live longer and are much less likely to develop heart disease or adult onset diabetes.
I agree with Lynda, you should splurge at least once a week!
Thank you Linda and Cari, and trust me, I splurge! :) And deep down I know that when I do have a "bad eating" week, I can pretty much rest easy knowing that I didn't gain any weight thanks to working out, but how does the rest of the world that doesn't workout eat every day from fast food, or even their own kitchens adding butter and sugar and creamy sauces to their food without "looking" like it?
I know there are some with faster metabolisms than others, but jeez! And I know the benefits of working out are clearly worthwhile (healthwise) and I'm loving the changes as they occur to my body physically, but it gets really frustrating to see someone chow down on ALL the wrong things day in and day out and not "seem" to gain a #.
But I'll continue to work out for my health and for weight loss, plus I really enjoy it, but if I even think about taking a rest day, I freak internally!
But thanks for your support and input, and Linda, I hope to be the envy of "my crowd" when I'm your age. :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-02 AT 08:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Donna aka "frustrated and going through ice cream withdrawal!"

There could be a host of factors going on to explain this.

1.) A higher metabolic rate.
2.) Usually food is more emotional than physical. Some people are just really in tune with their bodies and listen to it. A lot of overweight people use food for comfort, dealing with stress, to celebrate, to deal with loneliness, etc.
3.) Their dietary habits maybe that they are terminal snackers. Never eating until they're full, just grase all day long.
4.) They may be very active.
5.) Age has things to do with it too. After age 35, it gets harder and harder to keep the muscle on and the fat off.
6.) Body type is also a factor. There are some that could eat a 1/2 a cow and never gain an ounce. My boss is like that ... very tall and very thin. Now, if I look at a potato chip ... my hips already have it's new home picked out. :(
7.) Food choices also play a role in this too.

Oh one question ... how is their overall health? Are they sluggish, do they have skin problems, or frequent illness? Do they sleep well (I mean well), do they suffer from depression or highs and lows? Do they get cranky real quick? Eating healthy does a lot more than just maintain weight.

Just my humble thoughts.

Keta. :D * still eats that ice cream without even batting an eye ... you only live once! *

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Hi Donna,

Also none of the above, but I had to respond because I had the same thought today. Two of my coworkers are very thin girls, and they RARELY workout. one is a total chocolate monster, and she always looks good. Not fair! She said things are different without her clothes, but still, the overall shape is thin! Also, my roommate is a naturally lean person, she's been running a lot lately but before that was a sporadic exerciser, drinks LARGE quantites of beer on the weekends, doesn't watch calories and not the healiest of diets, yet I swearI saw the beginnings of a six pack the other day (the ab kind, not the beer kind ;o) ). How is that fair? I work out all the time, tons of situps and my lower stomach will never be flat. We both had our body fat checked at a charity walk, and at that time she rarely worked out and hers was less than mine. I was working out about 5 days a week. NO FAIR. :(

Anyway I hear you. Also, I've posted this before, but you rock Donna!!

I'm none of the above and agree w/ the responses. I want to add, things are not always as they appear. Maybe you see someone eat bad one day and not see when they make-up for it the next w/ a vege platter? There are some people who are genetically thin but most of us don't fall into that category. As we age, bad habits and poor choices, catch up & show on all of us. I think any person who exercises, heavy or thin, looks better than the couch potato who is thin (or hefty). Being fit makes people look & feel so much better.
Unfortunately, you can't always believe what people tell you. I read an article where Jasmine Bleeth (the Baywatch babe) said she didn't workout but later admitted thats all she did when on the show... or something on that line. I guess she, and others, want us to believe they are naturally fit? We all have to work at eating healthier and making time to workout.
Keep up the excellent work. I'm sure you are looking & feeling better than your non-exercising pals. Don't forget, the more muscle you have, the more goodies you can eat without compromise. Its like that story of the poor girl who always wanted to be the rich girl. She becomes and angel and learns the horrible secret the rich girl lived with. I can't remember the entire story but you get the idea.

I get this kind of frustration alot. I have never had very much weight to lose but I still feel the same as you do nearly everyday when I look around at some of my co-workers. It just doesn't seem like we look THAT MUCH different than them for all the, as you put very well, "busting" of our butts that we do.

Of course, comparing yourself to others is never good although I seem to do it all the time. I TRY to remind myself of the other benefits of exercise other than the aesthetic ones. Also, as Jill had stated in her example, body fat matters. I have had some visually slim friends that were tested for body fat that has fat %ages greater than 30. Just because you look thin does not mean you really are. And I do think there is some truth to "getting used" to exercise. Remember, when you are BRAND NEW to something you always get better results. But when your body is already fit it is hard to see changes. It kinda is the same as when they say that an Olympic level athlete has to work very hard to shave seconds off of a marathon time, whereas a begginner has to put out very little effort to see those same changes.

Kinda seems like we are getting the shaft, but I guess we are better off in the long run.

Also, I know with me, I tend to make very smart food choices, but because I am so paranoid of undereating ( really want to preserve lean muscle) I think I probably take in too many calories on some days. This is what I think keeps my weight at the same level. Only if you really CUT DOWN on your foods will you lose weight. In the beginning you can cut out a soda here and there and an ice cream here and there and VOILA!! you have dropped 10 pounds!!( I love it when they talk about the "small changes" like these when it comes to dieting). PROBLEM IS: if you already eat clean, don't drink soda pop or eat ice cream, well, then what???? You will have to now omit calories in general......even if those cals come from a banana. That is what makes it harder for us!!!!!

Ok, this really is my topic so I won't go on and on. Just know that there are many of us just like you who feel, well, like we are getting the short end of the stick. It just should not be so HARD!!!
This is why I LOVE this forum soooooo much! :)
It's impossible to wallow in self-pity with you guys around! :)

I'm feeling much better about this issue, especially since I've taken notice of just how many times this past year these particular people have been sick with colds/flu, where (knock on wood) I have not had a cold in more than a year now, and prior to working out, I use to suffer with bouts of severe bronchitis 2-3x/year for weeks at a time! Also, in really looking carefully, they may be "smaller" than me at this point, but I notice they don't look "fit" (if that makes sense?) Their bodies are just sort of "there" and not very defined, and although I am larger, I'm getting some pretty decent definition and according to my loving husband, "I look like I work out." So I guess I'll just "suck it up" and agree that life "ain't fair" all the time, and go on with what I'm doing for my own health and well being.

Although I find it a bit depressing to even think about slashing calories more. And it will have to come from food because I only drink water, but there are some areas I know I can clean up, so I guess that's the next step.
Thanks for the support you guys :)

Although several factors play a role, there is one answer to the overall question of why there are people who don't do a lick of exercise, eat like pigs and are thin as a rail--high basal metabolic rates. People blessed with high metabolic rates can take in a very high number of calories and not gain an ounce because they burn them off.

Lots of things contribute to basal metabolic rate--amount of lean muscle mass, hormones, medication, etc. It is unfair, but there are those of us who are genetically gifted.

Differences among exercising people exist based on the impact the exercise has on their metabolic rate. For example, if you take two exact replicas of each other, put them both on a cardio program that burns the same number of calories per session, but one does a high intensity program, the other does a lower intensity session, the person with the higher intensity workout will be leaner. Why? Because the elevation in metabolism from exercise lasts longer after a more intense exercise session.

Hope this helps with answering your question.
Hi Donna, I am none of the above, but just from working with a group of 30 women (mostly in their 30s & 40s) what I've seen from them is:
A few who were thin and seemed to eat whatever they wanted quit smoking over a year ago and now are struggling with extra weight, even though they don't eat any more.
The thin people in our work group really are conscious of what they eat. They usually cut way down at dinner if they've had a larger lunch or piece of birthday cake. It's funny but I always thought they were just blessed, but after I lost weight they would start commenting to me about how they were going to 'watch it' the rest of the day. {like I made it into the thin club}.
There is a book by Anne Fletcher called "Thin for Life" and a sequel to that book also where she interviewed a lot of people to see how they lost weight and then kept it off for a number of years - sad, but none of them is able to eat whatever and whenever.
Sorry this is so rambly but I hope it helps.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 07:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Donna, I'd LOVE to lose these 20 extra pounds, but the best compliment I think I could ever receive, would be if DH (or anyone) told me that I *look* like I workout!!!! You're an inspiration (tired of hearing that??). I mean it and there's no doubt in my mind that if your sweetheart notices it, then so do the thin folks in your life. You're an athlete, Babe...and athletes *have* to take care of their bodies through diet and exercise. You're 'in training'.

Lynda!!! I must be stupid. What's SYLPH???

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
So glad you asked that!

I've been wracking my brain trying to figure that out, but was afraid to appear stupid for asking when no one else had to ask! :)

So now that I'm not alone........

Linda, what is SYLPH? :)

I'm glad that you're feeling better about this.

There was another forum where they did a poll asking people if they had their choice of being either 15 pounds over their goal weight or 15 pounds under their goal weight, which one would they pick?

Overwhelmingly 90% picked 15 pounds over their goal weight. I was one as well. The main reason ... most of the women didn't want to loose their breasts, hips, or legs, a.k.a. their curves.

You know … I’m not a small woman, at least I don’t think I am. But if I were to tell you how much I weighed, you’d crap your pants. Why? Because I’m solid muscle except for the mushy belly for having babies and all the fatty parts that a woman is supposed to have. ;-)

I like my curves. I may have larger curves than some, but they are nicely shapely, muscle shapely. I don’t giggle come no way. I’m working on being cut but not at the expense of my chest or hips. I just don’t want it really. I like me.

The best test of a nicely defined body … and overall nicely defined, is how much your DH keeps putting his hands on you and how many people look from afar with admiration. My own personal opinion … who gives a rat’s ass about what the scale says … or that little piece of squishy around the middle … the person that can see it the clearest is usually our harshest critic.

Just my rambles.

Keta. :D

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RE: So glad you asked that!


That is true, your comment about being so much healthier than your peers. I also never get sick. I might eat an excess of calories every 5th or 6th meal, but a much greater proportion of my total calories are from healthy foods. Very nutrient packed. I rarely feel guilty about WHAT I am eating, usually I only feel guilty about HOW MUCH. But I don't stress too much, as I know many of those cals are going to build new muscle and if not, atleast I am getting lots of good vitamins and minerals.

The greatest mistake, I think, is to be an intense exerciser....lifting weights and cardio.....and undereat. Poorly fed muscles are such a huge injustice. Imagine working your butt off and never seeing ANY improvement. Like Patricia said in another post...muscles have memory...building muscle now will put you at an advantage for the rest of your life!!

I eat to feel powerful. Simply, when i eat crap I feel like crap. Thin, out of shape, non-athletic people do not "get" this. You will always have the advantage!!
Just a quick response.

Just because someone is thin does not mean they are healthy.
Just because someone is 20lbs past there goal weight does not mean they are unhealthy.

I know someone that is very thin, smokes and eats whatever they want which has lead then to high cholesterol. So who's heart is healthier, The one that's 20lbs overweight that has lower cholestreol and conditioned their heart & body through exercise?

I read an article on a man who was well known in the running world. WHo ran 70 miles a week and was very thin, but died of a heart attack while running, because he did not make proper food decisions and had extremely high cholestrol.

Whether skinny, or overweight, we all need to make those appropriate food selections & exercise our bodies not just for weight loss but for our health.

Yes I need to pratice what I preach.

Hi Donna! I know what you mean! My husband is one of those skinny people who never works out and eats like a pig. His favorite dinner is nachos with ice cream for dessert. It's very easy and understandable to get caught up on outside appearances, but let's not forget the inside! I bet if you compared your heart muscle to all those "gifted" people yours would win hands down!!

RE: So glad you asked that!

The dictionary definition is, yes, "a slender,graceful girl or woman." So when I say, "Think Sylph" as my mantra, it means to eat the amount I think a slender, graceful girl would eat--and not give in to wolfing down three or four slices of pizza because they taste so good!

(P.S.If you want to "meet" some sylphs who are imaginary beings, sort of like Tinker Bell, read Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock. They attend on the poem's heroine, Belinda.)

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