Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!!


My beautiful baby girl arrived on January 19th, 2005. She was 7#8". She is currently healthy as a horse. Every day I thank God for her and for her good health. She is wonderful. I've forgotten all the back pain, tiredness, swelling, etc. I love her so much. I wonder why I never tried to have a baby sooner. She is the best.

This is my first day back to work. It's almost a break compared to being with baby all day, although I do miss her. Hubby has her right now.

I just wanted to thank everyone for all your advice in the "put on way too much weight" post I posted a while back. It was very uplifting to hear from all of you. I'm sorry that I didn't reply to everyone, but I assure you I did read all of your posts. They really helped me a lot, and I'm very glad that we have this forum.

I can't say enough good things about prenatal exercise. I credit prenatal exercise with
a) the good shape my abs are in right now;
b) the fact that I pushed the baby out in FIVE CONTRACTIONS (it literally took less than 15 minutes TOTAL to push her out once it was time to push);
c) my quick recovery (I was walking the baby 2 days postpartum);
d) my good health during pregnancy;
e) the good health of my wonderful daughter.
Thanks, Cathe and friends!

Well...Here I am, finally with clearance to exercise at 6 weeks postpartum--and 18 pounds to go before I'm back to where I was. Everyone says, "Look how skinny you are!!!" but really I can't even wear my old oversized clothes anymore (I keep all my "fat clothes" just in case), and had to order all new lounge/yoga pants from Old Navy to wear to work. So right now, 6 weeks after the baby, I'm still wearing some maternity pants and larger-sized Old Navy knits. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Hey--at least my boobs look huge. And thanks to vigilant lotioning and use of vitamin E oil, I acquired NO STRETCH MARKS! (They do run in my family, too!)

So...thanks to everyone in this forum for all of your advice and assistance. Good luck to everyone on their pregnancies! I hope that I can help someone like you all have helped me.

Take time to thank the Good Lord for all of the good things in life. Again, good luck, everyone!

See you,
5'0", originally 110, ballooned to 154 during preg, currently 128.
Thanks so much for your support and encouragement!!!!!!!!
RE: Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!...


Congrats! That's wonderful!

I'm glad that your delivery was not difficult and it is wonderful to hear first hand all of the positive things that exercising during a pregnancy will do for a person. I'm also glad that we were able to help you feel better about your weight gain. I know you have a bit of weight left to lose but if you are already being complemented on your post-pregnancy figure and you have JUST NOW been cleared to exercise again, to me, that is AWESOME!!

Take good care of that little girl! (I know you will!) And take good care of YOU too! What did you name your daughter, BTW?

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Congratulations on your wonderful news!

You have me not so scared about all of this :) Enjoy your little girl and I hope you and your family continue to grow together and love each other. How exciting for you all!
Congrats on your new baby girl. :)

I hope that my labor goes as well as yours. You sound like you had an easy time.

Yes, please do tell, what did you name her?
Congratulations, Brigitte!

Keep us updated, your story is motivational for me, as now I'm thinking about being lazier with exercise, with still a couple months to go.

Another bonus about exercising and eating right- being able to stay regular, if you know what I mean!;) I also credit it with giving me more energy to still teach my students.

You go girl!


Jennifer V
33 weeks
Congratulations, Brigitte! Isn't it amazing how quickly the pain and fatigue of pregnancy is forgotten the second you look into the eyes of your newborn? I felt the same way when I saw my daughter for the first time. You'll drop the rest of that weight quickly, I'm sure. Enjoy her newborn days - they go by fast!

Nora born 8/23/04
Congratulations Brigitte!!! Enjoy your lovely daughter! I'm so happy to hear everything has gone so well for you, post-partum! Be patient, those last few pounds will keep coming off. "Nine months up; nine months down" is the saying. The first year will go by so fast, you'll be amazed.

All the best!
RE: Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!...

This is a reply to everyone.

The baby's name is Marie Ellen DeMoss, named after 2 of her great-grandmothers. Thanks for asking! She is doing great, and for this I am very thankful.

I did a little--LITTLE--exercise last night, Imax 2--warm-up and first 2 intervals only. Fun! By the way, everyone, I'll be 32 in a few weeks; not exactly a young mom. So I'm glad that I turned out fine after delivery, because that's probably good news for you younger folks.

Everyone was right: you do forget all the back and hip pain, the awkwardness, the heaviness, the anxious waiting that seems like a million years, the second you look at that little baby. She is such a blessing.

Again, I can't say enough good things about prenatal exercise. For a while there I was doing really easy stuff like Kathy Smith's workout, FitMama (BORING!!!!!! RENT--do not buy!!!!!), and Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea. No matter how easy, it all benefits you. Do something: take a stroll, whatever. It all makes the delivery and recovery that much easier.

By week 34, I cracked open the CTX series again, and was doing VERY MODIFIED versions of All-Step, Step Circuits, and Step and Intervals. VERY MODIFIED. I was able to do these a few times per week till 3 days before I delivered. Bumping up the workouts gave me lots of energy for delivery. Just my experience; maybe it'll be different for all of you.

Again, good luck to all of you! This is an exciting time for everyone! Hope I can be of help to you.

Thanks again,
Still wearing those maternity knit pants--arrrrrrggggghhhhh!
RE: Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!...


Congratulations on quitting smoking. I had my last cigarette on December 25, 1999. Although I don't really think about smoking during my waking hours, and I don't feel like doing it, I dream about it all the time!

So now you're about 30 weeks--home stretch! How exciting! Please take care of your baby and let us all know how everything goes. So happy for you!!!!!!

Thanks for your support!


Congratulations on almost being there! Pregnancy is very exciting, isn't it?

Yes, I did manage to stay totally, completely regular for the entire pregnancy by making sure I ate the right stuff and had lots of water, juice, and milk to drink.

Good luck with everything.

What age are your students? Kiddies? Teens?

Again, best of luck!!!

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