FitTv.....Is it just me?


I saw over on the "Ask Cathe" forum that someone mentioned that FitTv is really starting to slide regarding quality programming. That struck a note with me - I have been thinking that for quite some time!
Frankly, if I have to watch one more episode of "Buff Brides" or those 2 guys that show me how work out with my garage door opener I am going to scream. Let's see some workouts! Let's see some interviews with fitness pros like Cathe. Let's see something that doesn't "dumb" down the entire reason I tune in! Just my thoughts, anyone have an opinion here?:D
Oh, yeah, I totally agree. I do not understand why they do not put any workouts on after 12 noon. Do they think people only work out in the morning?????? Very annoying!
I use to have it on all day...literally, so I could hear it while doing my maternal chores. I don't have it on at all anymore. The "Blaine's Low Carb Kitchen" marathon drove me straight over the edge! Other shows on there drive me nuts too...can't stand "The Extremist", the hostess (name slips my mind) annoys me to all heck!
yeah, it's pretty sucky . Most of the workouts are are so short anyway. By the time you halfway feel something the show is over. Plus all those other crazy shows you're talking about. Ack!

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
ME TOO!!! I loved Fit TV and watched just that station whenever I was home. It's how I discovered Cathe!

Unfortunately it has gone completely downhill and I only turn it on in the mornings while getting ready because Cathe's on. They don't even have her on weekends anymore! Maybe they do again but I just haven't checked in so long after being disappointed by that place!x(
They used to have an aerobics show in the morning with Tamilee Webb, I don't know what happened to that one? Then it was like Carribean workout ,and then Sharon Mann. Then Cathe got added which is great! They use to give you some helpful health tips but now the channel is extremely boring. It's really hard to watch for any length of time.
I completely agree! The only thing on FitTv that appeals to me is Cathe and Gilad. I do Gilad usually on Sunday mornings as I don't have time to do an hour segment of Cathe as I trying to make everyone's breakfast and getting ready for church.
Everything else on that show is useless and pathetic like showing lazy people how to workout at home using what they have around the house. Why don't they just get the weights and barbells and do it right? Just dumb and lazy! And there is no way anyone would go thru my fridge and start throwing out food that I paid for! Uh, no! It is not very encouraging for those that are serious about fitness..pretty pathetic if you ask me. I say, bring on more Cathe. BTW, I seen her on last night at 7pm which I didn't know she came on again at that time. Why doesn't FitTv just do a Cathe marathon like Sci Fi does with their shows? Good idea, huh? Then next day Gilad marathon.

I don't care for the Extremist and something about Sharon Mann (and one of her crew) really annoy me. But I must say that there are people out there who don't know the first thing about fitness and are probably tuning in to some of those shoes; so don't be too hard on them (ie: "lazy, dumb").

I must confess that I like Buff Brides.

The "Blaine's Low Carb Kitchen" marathon drove me
>straight over the edge!

I HATE that show! It's o.k. to deep fry and use lots of fat, as long as it's "low carb"?

I was appalled when he explained how "bad" carbs his 5-year-old daughter!
Riddle me this....why can't they show an entire workout, and not break for commercial until in between the end of a show, and the beginning of the next one? I pay for the subscription already; they still don't interrupt the movie channels to show commercials. I won't workout to anything on tv because of the commercials.

I too used to leave Fit Tv on all day as I did my work. Haven't had it on in a long time!
I don't get FitTV, but I think the majority of the Discovery company channels have gone downhill in the past few years.

At this point, it seems like the only programming available on the Discovery channel or TLC are about makeovers, home renovations, pimping out cars and motorcycles, and casinos. Pretty vacuous stuff in my opinion. And don't get me started on the Travel channel. The only programming they have anymore is poker. All of these have been dumbed down.

The only channel worth its salt in the Discovery company anymore is the Science channel. Hopefully they won't screw that one up too.
I agree about Sharon Mann (bobble head!) and one of her crew if we're talking about the same one! I don't like the music either. Guess she's just not for everyone
Gilad is funny isn't he as he wants us to give him our bodies for a few minutes? I don't care for Sharon Mann as I think she looks like me when I workout which is kind of dorky. I am just glad I don't have mirrors around to see myself workout. Yeah, I know I look silly when I am working it, but that doesn't matter as long as your doing it right, right? LOL! I can focus more with Cathe though...she is a pro!

I agree also.....when I first began getting into shape I did aerobic conditioning every morning with Tamilee and it was perfect for a 1st timer no commercial breaks now that is gone.

To the person that wanted the marathon they did do that once it was voters choice and they picked Gilad, next time they do it we will have to flood their website with Cathe votes . }( No one on that site compares to Cathe in intensity and fun, no one :) .
>Gilad is funny isn't he as he wants us to give him our bodies
>for a few minutes?
Actually, he wants us to give him our bodies for a few short weeks and he'll show us what he can do with them (at least, according to the commercial). I'm game!;-)
Confession...I like Buff Brides too. I do like the "reality" shows where they have a goal and are trying to work hard. I can't stand watch Gabrielle Reese (I remembered her name) act like a guy while on a boat or on a race car track or whatever.

Time to be totally cruel but honest...the woman on Sharon Mann that bothers me is the one with dark hair (I think her name is Sharon too and they refer to her as Sparky). She does these huge, exagerated moves with a TON of energy and I cannot help but wonder how it is she has that layer on her belly when she pushes it that hard!
>Time to be totally cruel but honest...the woman on Sharon Mann
>that bothers me is the one with dark hair (I think her name is
>Sharon too and they refer to her as Sparky). She does these
>huge, exagerated moves with a TON of energy and I cannot help
>but wonder how it is she has that layer on her belly when she
>pushes it that hard!

I can't STAND Sparky! (and what adult woman has a nickname like"sparky"?) When she does jumprope moves, she looks like she's out to cause as much damage to herself as possible. She flails around and jumps unnecessarily high. "Energy" is a nice term for it. I'd call it close to "frenzy" or "mania"!

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