fitprime-new fav move


I got from the ground up and love it is so different from any other tape.The neg leg press is don't go all the way up and your non working leg don't touch the floor you aim to get it to the floor.So you are in a crouch position thru the whole movement and the leg on the step is holding and pressing your whole body up.I can't describe it well but it is awesome for the legs.I felt it and only used 1 -10 pound wt.I have only done this workout 2 times but it will be a regular.I ordered 4 more including strong bear which is a leg workout I hope they are as good.I have also added my old firms(don't like the first new set) into the mix.I forgot how much I like them.I don't use them as strengh tapes (I use cathes) but I use them like I would boot camp light wts.And I am enjoying this change of pace.I am doing a day of 20 min cardio and adding 10 min from the firm and the next day would be from the ground up and the next 20 min cardio 10 min. firm and the next a all firm and so on.I really needed this change and like using different videos.I am thinking of ordering the new firms I hear they are like the old ones and the stick (although only 8lbs) looks interesting the way it comes apart to be used as hand wts.any opinions on the new firms I didn't like the 1st one at all.At ya yas they get rave reviews and would like to hear from you guys.I am advanced but feel with a good flowing tape you can make a easier workout fit a advanced exerciser.
YaYas are firm freaks like we're Cathe freaks. A lot of them think Cathe is "too chatty" or "too hard." I have some of the newer firm stuff & think it's just too easy. I read a review of the new stuff & they said one of the pros of the tapes is the "feel good sisterhood thing" they have going. That makes me want to puke!

Give me something that's going to kick my a$$ or don't bother me!
I'm new to Cathe so I can't compare the two, but I can say this. Fitrpime is some of the old instructors like Susan Harris that went with Anna when she left, and they are much tougher than the new Firm stuff. As far as I'm concerned if you use heavy weights the old classic firms and fitprime will definitely kick your butt all over the place. Heidi's crouched tall box lifts that focus on the negative are incredible, if you stay crouched and go slow on the negative, never really touching down completely the burn in your thight is supreme!
That review was from Newsweek. There's no more sisterhood in the new firms than there is in the intensity series!
I don't think Jen's tape is all that tough but I do like Emily's and Allie's tapes.
I think Fitprimes From the Ground Up, Strong Bear and Up and Down are tough. I use the same weights for those as I do Cathe's tapes.
BTW I am a Firm freak but I really love the new IS from Cathe.
I'm a Firm "freak" and a Cathe, Joyce, Slim Series and many other instructor "freak" LOL I love Cathe's intensity AND chattiness (and find the song "Buttercup" to be a lot of fun in a workout LOL.) I also love things about all my other fitness workouts and instructors. Some may not be as intense as Cathe but I've always found that it's what you put into it....and with my new bosu, I can make the most basic of the basic step tapes a really intense workout...if I want to! I've been buying fitness videos (and now dvds) for so long there's no way I wouldn't spice it up with variety. I will say that I've consistently stuck with the Firm and Cathe for the longest period of time and both of them usually appear at least once a week in my rotation unless I'm doing a yoga/pilates focus. I think they compliment each other!

I haven't gotten FTGU yet but you're making it sound good! I've always liked Heidi so I'm sure I'll be adding that to my collection very soon!
Karen :)
I am with you there! I bought some of the newer firm stuff and HO HUM in comparison to Cathe. She is one of a kind!!

I just did FTGU today and my legs were burning on those leg presses. I also love the music on FP's. I have all the FP's (and Firms). Right now my favorite is Strong Bear. I find the new Firms to be too easy. I mainly do Cathe, FP, and Treadmoves.
I thank the firm for helping me find cathe! That's how many of us found cathe! For that I'm thankful. I just can't get beyond the implants etc... of the Firm.. but I guess for some it's motivating.
I cannot get beyond the implants etc. either. I wonder if that doctor from the new informercial is actually a plastic surgeon.

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