Fit Moms Check in (Week of 8/7-8/13)


Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. DS did much better over the weekend. Yesterday I took him to his pediatrician for a follow-up visit. He still needs to stay on 2 different inhalers and his prednisone for the next 6 weeks which the doctor says is normally the hardest time of year for asthma and allergies. Hopefully we won't have any relapses. Due to taking DS to the doctor there wasn't any time for a workout. Today I plan to do P90X Shoulders & Arms.

This Saturday I am sign up for a 5K race. DS wanted to run a race with me so I signed him for the "Fastest Kid in Town" race. He will race against other 4 year olds. He is so excited, but if he starts having problems again then he will be sidelined.

Wow we have a lot of Mommies with kids going into kindergarten this year. Let me know how it goes and if you have any tips for me when I will going thru this next year.

SunnyD - How is the P90X rotation going? It seems like I am always feeding my face with this rotation, but I am beginning to see small changes.

Kristan - How is your hip doing? LOL with the two different shoes. I once did that when I went to work. It wasn't until I was almost halfway through my day that I realized what I had done. Luckily no one noticed.

Well, I need to start my work day. Have a great day!!
Kristi- so sorry to hear about the ER trips/asthma problems. Very scary! There's nothing more frightening than your child gasping for air. We've had a "run-in" per child with breathing trouble; mostly from nasty colds. I've never quite been able to throw away the albuterol/nebulizer even thought the medication is expired-- always keeping it "just in case." We have nasty allergies here to- must be a Midwest thing.

Gus had an ENT appt yesterday. He's going to get tubes. I am so relieved; hoping we see the excellent results reported by so many. Not sure he even has reflux issues too. I am going to talk to the Ped on Friday at his 9 mo check up about the strange head tilt/sleepless nights/ear trouble. It's certainly an unusual triad of symptoms. I personally think any time he feels crummy he tips his head. I'm close to weaning: he only nurses at bedtime and 5 am.

My week: Mon: run/walk (too hot), Tues: gym, Weds: Janis Saffell hardcore kickbox circuit, Thurs: nothing, Friday: Step Fit, Sat: run/swim, Sun: run 2 miles, do brand New Butt Pilates.

Saturday was "Use the Kids as Resistance" day. I run pushing all three in the stroller to the pool (that's 100 pounds without the weight of the stroller) and pulled them on pool noodles while swimming laps.

Have a great week.
hello mommies,

Kristi- how is your ds doing? we will keep you posted on kindergarten. i know i've asked my friends that have just went thru it a million questions, lol. elijah starts in exaclty one week.:)
i don't think i was ready for p90x quite yet. I have some fat i still want to loose and i didn't feel like i was getting the intensity i needed from that rotation. or, maybe i just missed cathe too much, LOL.

Kristan- pushing 100lbs sounds like a heck of a workout:D . poor gus, how is he doing?

where are all the other fitmommies?? come back please:)

have a great day ladies!!
Hi Ladies!!

Sorry I have been MIA, but we have been busy people lately! Dh is off work this week. It seems like when he is here I never have time to get online...weird, huh? I should have more time!!

Tyler started K today! It was exciting and sad at the same time. Neither one of us cried so that is good. I feel like he has been gone forever!!! It is about 1pm right now and I really want to go pick him up. Come on 3pm!!!!

Well, I have to put my baby to sleep, clean the kitchen, get ready for kickboxing. (I teach a class on Thursday nights.)Plus, my sil is coming over. Her son started k today to and she is bored! Maybe I can put her to work!

Talk Later

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