Finally getting Glutes


I'm always struggling to get my lower body bigger and the past month my focus has shifted to doing total body workouts instaed of splits. Mostly because I skipped leg day in favor of cardio. Did lots of Firm workouts and Push and Pull. Today while on the treadmill I realized...I actually have thighs now! The jeans don't look as flat from behind either. It must be all those leg presses. I'm glad I didn't get rid of my Firms, they actually do a great job and it was nice to have something different.
I can always count on the Firms when my butt starts to show the effects of gravity or loses it's "oomph!" They've always known how to work that area! And the Transfirmer (with BSS3) is even better, IMO.
Me too! I've been working legs reaalllllyyy hard for about 6 months now--after a trainer told me my upper body was way out of proportion to my legs (hey, genetics is genetics, right?).

Anyway, I've gone up at least 40 lbs on squats, lunges & leg presses. I noticed last night my butt was actually curving out instead of in! LOL!

It is very exciting to see the results of all your hard work, isn't it? :D

Congrats on building those glutes up! Can you share what videos & sequence you used weekly? TIA


Can you also suggest a firm BSS3 glute building rotation with the videos you think that will give the best results!

> Can you also suggest a firm BSS3 glute building rotation
>with the videos you think that will give the best results!

I'll give it a try!

I think I made a typo before. I think the Transfirmer workouts might be BSS4? They don't say on them, and I don't remember at the moment (brain freeze!).

Day 1: Ultimate Calorie Blaster + Jiggle-Free Buns
Day 2: Cardio of choice (I recommend non-step to give the knees a break and to vary stresses on the body, since all the BSS4 workouts use the step/transfirmer. Kickboxing or stationary bike would be good choices).
Day 3: Supercharged sculpting
Day 4: Stretch/yoga
Day 5: Aerobic body shaping + bonus lower body workout
Day 6: Cardio of choice (non-step) + Jiggle-Free abs
Day 7: Jiggle free Buns
Day 8: off or stretch , then start again with day 1.

After 1st week (my 8-day week, LOL!) reassess and see how this is working for you.

If at any time, your knees 'tell you' that this is too much, back off the Transfirmer exercises, and substitute some floor work.
Thank you Kathryn for taking the time to write this up! It Looks and sounds really good!

PS Thanks for the safety tips too,
Much appreciated!
Hey, Kathryn- this is another Kathryn!

I have been looking at purchasing one of the transfirmer systems for quite some time (like years!) but was skeptical since I have heard they are not as great as the classic FIRMS. I can tell you really like them so is it just having to get so many gadgets that turn people off of the new FIRMS? My main question is whether or not it would be possible to purchase the new ones without the Transfirmer step? Can the exercises be substituted at all with a regular club step and a high step- for example just using the step at an incline? I just have so much equipment already but I have been craving the FIRM. THANK YOU!
> I can tell you really like them so is it just having to get
>so many gadgets that turn people off of the new FIRMS? My
>main question is whether or not it would be possible to
>purchase the new ones without the Transfirmer step? Can the
>exercises be substituted at all with a regular club step and a
>high step- for example just using the step at an incline? I
>just have so much equipment already but I have been craving
>the FIRM.

Hi, me, I mean, Kathryn! (at least you know *I* won't spell it wrong!)

I had BSS3, which used the Firm "Box," but never got the box. I didn't really like the workouts, because they showed the incline moves from the side, and it was hard to follow.

With the "Transfirmer," I think the Firm finally got it right (and Ii think you're right, people are turned off at having to get a new piece of equipment with every new Goodtimes Firm workout series that comes out). It is a sturdy piece of equipment, and well worth it, IMO. I wouldn't use it for impact step or other step workouts, because the plastic is more rigid than that of the Club Step, and thus would cause more stress to the joints, IMO, but for the BSS4 workouts, it's fabulous!

A step at a regular incline just wouldn't be the same (though there is a way to set it up at a higher incline, by turning two risers upside down and at a "diamond " shape, weighing them down by putting some weights on them, stacking more risers on in "square" shape, the putting on the platform--that's what I did for the BSS3 workouts.)

A couple of the workouts use the Transfirmer by not only using the incline, but the edges of the higher portion at the same time. And one of the add-on workouts (Jiggle-Free buns) uses them set up like a "staircase").

I have a lot of equipment as well (my "fanny Lifter makes an excellent table for my laptop, while I sit on a balance disc on the floor!), but I'm glad I got the Transfirmer (and the extra workouts). I also use it for the "hill climb" segments of Cardio Coach workouts (and do the rest--steady state and sprints--on the rebounder).

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