Fiddlefit - Sandra


Where are you? I haven't seen you post in a while and just want to make sure you are doing okay. Are you still on bedrest or did the doctor clear you to exercise?
Hi Kristi! Thank you for thinking of me! I haven't been posting lately because I've been detoxing. And ouch, my head is killing me. I wanted to be off my daily coffee by time Baby is born, so I wouldn't be offering caffiene with the breast milk, and spring is the best time for me to get off the coffee, because the long sunny warm days just make it easier to give it up. A few days ago I suddenly realized, yup, I'm ready to quit, so I went cold turkey. For the past 2 1/2 days I've been sleeping alot, having weird dreams, and living with a headache that waxes and wanes in intensity. The ability to put two words together into a coherent sentance was beyond me until this afternoon. I think I'm starting to feel better. You know, following doctors' bedrest orders is much easier to do when you actually feel awful.

I'm still on bedrest, and probably will be until either my doc's appt next week, or my u/s on April 20. I find it hard to believe I need to be on bedrest this long, considering I feel great (when not detoxing!) and I haven't had any bleeding in weeks. Very, very frustrating. I also put in a call to my doc this afternoon because I started having pain in my calf. I am assuming it's the start of a varicose vein (from lack of exercise, no doubt!), but since pregnant women on bedrest are at particularly high risk of developing thrombosis, I thought I would play it safe and give her a call. I'm still waiting for a call back.

Anyone else have experience with varicose veins or blood clots? The pain is kind of general, although one area seems most tender if I put pressure on my leg in a certain way. There are no prominent veins, and no redness on the skin. The skin of the whole calf is quite itchy, though.

I managed to avoid varicose veins with DD#1, and was really hoping to avoid them with this baby, but.......

It was kind of you to ask about me, Kristi. It sounds like everything is going tickety-boo with your pregnancy these days! Are you wearing genuine maternity clothes yet? I've been wearing them for a couple of weeks. (And I have the same problem with my pants that many others were complaining about in another thread).

Well, I've got to go find a b-day present for my mother online, since I can't go shopping. Thank heavens for the internet! Bedrest would be a much more miserable experience without you all, and my credit card!! :)

Take care!
Sandra, I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. Detoxing is definitely hard. I really need to kick my soft drink habit, but I am so addicted. It sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work.

I've been trying really hard to not wear maternity clothes yet, but I'm going to have to break down and start wearing them. I really don't have any clothes that fit anymore and I'm not very comfortable. I'll probably start wearing them on a continous basis next week. The worse part is that I will need to keep pulling them up since my belly isn't big enough to keep them up, but it won't take long before my belly will be big enough. I'm sure of it at this point.

Good luck finding your mom a present. Online shopping is the best. You might want to check out They have some great prices.

I'll talk to you more tomorrow. My work day is over and I can't wait to pick up DS.

Have a great day!

Ooooh Sandra, I don't envy your quitting caffeine...OUCH! I have successfully lowered my caffeine intake by tons and managed to do so without any headaches or withdrawal symptoms because I did it so slowly but I know where you are coming from. If I don't have my morning coffee I will get a major migraine by that afternoon...Horrible!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
Just got back from my prenatal appointment

Hi! I just got back from seeing my ob/gyn. I was supposed to have my prenatal appt on Tuesday, but she decided she wanted to see me today, to check out that pain in my leg. She ruled out a blood clot, and doesn't even think it's a varicose vein. She doesn't know what caused the pain, actually. She even made a suggestion that I may have been standing for too long, and then she saw the look I gave her, and caught herself before saying anything else in that regard! But at least I'm relieved that it's nothing serious.

I'm wondering whether the pain in my leg had anything to do with my sudden caffiene withdrawl? I've had a headache since Monday, and the intensity of the pain in my leg seems to correspond exactly to the pain in my head. I've only got a mild ache today, and my head feels the clearest it's felt all week. The pain in my leg, also, is barely noticeable. Anyone know anything about withdrawl sypmtoms? Does this idea hold water?

I got to *hear* the baby's heartbeat today for the first time! It's not quite the big moment it otherwise would have been, given that I've seen the little one on u/s 3 times already. But it was reassuring and wonderful to hear, nonetheless. So, I'm to remain on bedrest until my next u/s on April 20. Then "We'll see."

Kristi, thanks for the suggestion. Do you need new maternity clothes? Are your pregnancies happening over different seasons? I've got some overlap in mine, so when the weather really warms up, I've got a number of pretty sundresses to wear. I haven't had to buy very much maternity stuff this time around. It's surprising how much caffiene affects our bodies. I'm so glad I never had to give up smoking - that must feel like hell.

Wendy, So, did quitting smoking feel like hell? :) How did you do it? Cold turkey? A little at a time? Do you intend to stop drinking coffee by time the baby is born? I, personally, don't want to be feeding my baby La Leche Lattes, but I know women who drink coffee while nursing and don't seem to think it affects the baby. Thanks for commiserating with me :)

RE: Just got back from my prenatal appointment

Hi Sandra,

Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better and happy to hear that it's nothing serious with your leg. I hope the "we'll see" turns into "you can get out of bed now"!!!

I honestly do not intend to quit coffee all together. I have cut back in a huge way and only drink one cup of caff coffee per day on average. If I drink any more it's rare and I can always drink decaf as well...

Quitting smoking was THE hardest thing I have EVER done in my life!!! Only possibly to take 2nd place to giving birth...but I'll have to wait a few more weeks to make that comparison! ;-)

I quit cold turkey, yes, BUT with help! I used something they sell here in the US called "smoke away". It's a smoking cessation system comprised of pills and such that will curb your w/d symptoms and cravings through different methods.

This system was a 60 day program but I was able to stop using it after about 2 weeks because I had gotten over the "hump". I was still a long time away from feeling "normal", but I was able to deal with it on my own at that point, though not always very well.

I went thru a period of a couple of months in the beginning where I was flat out miserable. I would cry at the drop of a hat. I was so sad and depressed and mad at the world! My DH actually cried w/me one day b/c he felt sooo bad for me and couldn't do anything to help me. He actually told me that if I can't get past this to smoke again because as happy as he was that I had quit, he couldn't stand to see me so awfully miserable. I knew I couldn't do that though...I had come too far. I had to stick it out and it DID pass. Today I still think of smoking on ocassion but cravings are long gone. I feel great. Sometimes I forget that I ever smoked at all!!! :7

Sorry so long!!!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
RE: Just got back from my prenatal appointment

Sandra, I'm glad you doctor appointment went well. Wow you get another ultrasound! It must be a great experience to see how much the baby is changing/growing each time you have an ultrasound. I won't have mine until April 28th. Are you going to find out the sex of the baby on the 20th?

I'm very lucky that I don't need to buy any more maternity clothes. I bought a couple capris and sundresses for summer earlier this year on sale at Motherhood so I'm good to go in the clothes department. DS was born in June so about 1/2 of my maternity clothes were for summer anyway so I have some overlap going on too. I primarily buy clothes I can wear to work. At home I could care less what I wear as long as it is comfortable.

Congrats on giving up your caffeine addiction! You are a brave woman. I'm still dealing with mine. Hopefully I will be able to kick it eventually, but I might just have to keep it limited instead. It truly must be hard stopping smoking. I've got 2 DB and 1 FIL who keep trying, but still have not had any luck quitting even with Nicotrol.

Take care!
RE: Just got back from my prenatal appointment

hi Kristi!

I think my successful attempt at quitting was attempt # 4 or 5 AND it cost me $150.00 for the smoke away kit I used PLUS I had that maternal instinct helping me out ALOT! My DH basically refused to start trying for a baby until I had quit so I had a HUGE reason to quit this time! It's soooo not an easy thing to REALLY REALLY REALLY have to want it and some don't want it enough simply because they enjoy it so much! I know I did. I give anyone who even attempts to quit smokin' a lot of credit! Hopefully one day your DB's and FIL will succeed....:)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
RE: Just got back from my prenatal appointment


I think you're going to consider quitting smoking the harder of the two, because giving birth is over with much quicker!

Interesting system you tried. I'm glad it worked for you. It seems the technique used to quit smoking is an individual preference, isn't it? Different techniques work for different people. My mother quit using a medication that I forget the name of (an antidepressant). My father and brother quit cold turkey. My DH (before we moved in together) quit using a program whereby they wean you off the cigs gradually over 12 weeks, combined with behavioural modification.

I can see how your behaviour would be so affected when you quit smoking, and I imagine that's why so many people don't quit for very long. The commonality amongst "successful" quitters is, as you said, a total committment to quitting, no matter what. Good for you! It sure isn't easy!

All the best,
RE: Just got back from my prenatal appointment

Hi Kristi! Yay, by my 20th week I will have had 4 u/s with this pregnancy. And even if this placenta issue has corrected itself by the next u/s, my doctor still plans to monitor me very closely near the end of the pregnancy, due to concerns about the baby's size. DD#1 was born 2 weeks early, weight 9lb 9oz, and had shoulder dystocia. So I anticipate having quite a few u/s with this whole pregnancy! I am definitely hoping to find out the baby's sex at my u/s on the 20th. I hope s/he cooperates! And I imagine if we don't get to see on the 20th, there'll be more opportunities.....

Will you be looking to learn your baby's sex on the 28th?

I bought a pair of Motherhood capris! They are denim adjustable carpenter capris, with a mid-belly band. They're really comfy, and I like being able to adjust them from full length to capris length.

After 5 days without caffiene, I'm feeling pretty normal today. No headache, at last! And I've come to the conclusion that my sore leg was a result of the caffiene withdrawl, because it's gotten better every day, and isn't bothering me at all today. A friend of mine told me that when she quit smoking she felt pain in parts of her body she didn't even know she had. I imagine these kinds of drugs act on our pain receptors somehow. I wish you the very best if you decide to give up your soft drink addiction!


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