femara or clomid?


Hi ladies, I've posted on here a few times the last month or so, and I really appreciate any advice/opinions you have...

I decided to go see an infertility specialist;

In my 1st meeting, we discussed extensively my situation:
38 yrs old, 4 children conceived naturally

BBT charts look good (see signif. temp shift after ovul)
OPK tests are always +, along with some mid-cycle pain, but no baby after 13 months

I've had some blood tests with my OB that were good,(which will be transferred to the specialist)

she told me not to exercise more then 45 min, 5 times/wk and recommended a sperm test for my husband. She said I could try either femara or clomid; initially she said fermara, then gave me the option...along with some reading materials about the 2 choices....

I'm want to try "something", since status quo isn't working, but do you think that more tests are typically done before a prescription is recommended?-maybe not (i'm not a doctor!), but just wondering anyone's opinion and experiences....

If anyone has tried either of these, can you tell me? I'm under the impression that femara is a little 'milder'/less potent than clomid. Anyone know the success rates of conceiving on these?

thanks for your help!
Hi JeanMarie. I'm glad you took the first step & made your dr appointment.

I would think that Clomid would be your first choice. It helps to promote ovulation, but it does make hostile cervical mucous.....which is a catch 22. To help thin your mucous out, I would recommend Mucinex twice daily a couple days prior to ovulation.

Femara has also shown some good results (but is not FDA approved for infertility). This will be my 2nd choice. I've never become pg using Clomid,...I've used 3-4 cycles. I had severed depression with my first clomid cycle....which scared me so much! Also had hot flashes, fatigue, and severe breast tenderness. Clomid increases chances of twins (and more). I thought it'd be nice to have twins (so have opted toward this over Femara).

Good luck, I know I probably wasn't much help. You are not alone, girlie. Keep us posted!!!!

thanks for your input!! I was 'leaning toward' the Clomid, but, I gotta admit, am afraid of some of the possible side-effects (like the moodiness, depression). Frankly, I'm kind of a 'depressive', so I'm concerned Clomid would 'put me over the edge'. Maybe not....

there isn't alot of info out there in regards to the femara, but my doc said she has had very good results from it (better than Clomid (?))....I'm sooooo confused, and I feel like I don't have a lot of time to pitty-pat around...well, I'm hoping i'm pregnant anyway(will find out in a week or so, maybe I won't need to make the above decision (but I'm not counting on it, unfortunately...)

thanks again for all the posts!
Typically 3-6 months is max for Clomid. I don't know if Femara has a max duration,..but I'd think if it's going to work it'd happen in first few month as well. Femara produces a more friendly cervial mucus. From what I've heard...lots and lots of it.

Hopefully your pg now, & you won't have to worry about it. I'll be praying for you, girlie.

Email me anytime, [email protected]
Hi Jeanmarie,

I will be 41 in May have 5 children and have been trying for two years for #6. What do you recomend be my next step, I have no clue on what to do? Was seeing a fertility specialist covered by your insurance if not what is the cost? Good luck to you!

Hi Lourdes!

Do you use OPK tests, and chart your temps? (basal body temp charting)? It is a great indicator to see if you are ovulating or not. How long is your luteal phase(from ovul to period)...

Although it does APPEAR that I am ovulating, a prescription for Clomid or Femara is often prescribed, to improve ovulatory function, especially as we age; (so you get a 'better' ovulation - more developed egg, i guess...). My husband and I are practicing Catholics, so artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilization are not options for us; we have to hope and pray that we will be able to conceive with the other available infert. treatments...

it sucks, but the reality is our reproductive system just doesn't function as well as it did when we were in our 20's/early 30's. Of course, there are exceptions (i have friends who are having #8; they are both going to be 43, and are always pregant within 3-4 months of trying...!!!)

If you can, I'd definately recommend going to a fertility specialist. They can do some bloodwork to check your ovarian reserve/all other kinds of stuff. A lot of things can be treated relatively simply... Call the customer svc number with your medical insurance to see if you have any infertility coverage(we have HAP, but there are many different 'level's of coverage with HMO'S; depends on what your(or husband's) employer selects.)

I'm still finding out all of the details, but I think that you can pay for clomid, out of pocket, for @ $30 month. However, your doctor would probably want to do at least 1 ultrasound (price would vary)which for me would be $200. Fortunately, my husbands insur. covers 12 months of fertl. treatments...

Don't give up hope!! Keep trying! I'll keep you in my prayers!
Clomid is cheap, Femara is really expensive. Clomid may/may not be covered under your insurance,....Femara is usually covered b/c it's a breast cancer drug (I'm a pharmacist).

I use OPTs, just can't manage to test temps daily. :confused:

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