Female Fat Cell - and Other Books



I've plateaued(what a dirty word!)and I'm looking for a good nutrition guide to help me out of the rut. I think my workout schedule, intensity, and rotations are pretty much in line. But I've never been sure about my diet.

Has anyone read "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell : The First Weight-Control Program Designed Specifically for Women" by Debra Waterhouse? If so, what did you think about it? Or is there another book you'd recommend?

The number of nutrition/diet books out there is so overwhelming :-wow !!! It's so hard to weed out what's a gimmick and what isn't.

Thanks in advance.
Honeybunch recommended to me Picture Perfect weightloss by Dr. Sharpiro. I think that is the name. Anyway, I am going to buy it tomorrow just for some good reading. He was on Montel today. I didn't watch it, but did you happen to catch it???
Hi Gayle,

There's a recent thread about nutrition books and you can find some of the comments in the "Intuitive Eating check-in", too. One of my friends has been very happy following Waterhouse's book. She's not fanatic about diet, she's lost weight, feels better, and feels better about herself. There are tons of books out there and some fit people better than others. If you are sick of dieting then I strongly recommend "Intuitive Eating"by Tribole and Waterhouse's book is easy, basic, and a winner.

I'd have to second the recommendation of Intuitive Eating. I'm almost finished with the book, and Evelyn Tribole (the author) is very against the "diet mentality", and encourages really listening to your body and eating the foods that you desire, and at the times you desire them.

When it comes to weight loss, the body pretty much takes care of that if you're eating well, exercising, and just relaxed in general about the whole process. As a recovering anorexic, I can honestly say that I'm getting to the point of TRULY embracing the fact that life is too precious to spend that much time focusing on losing weight, maintaining weight, etc. If you're doing right by your body through good nutrition (for the most part) and exercise, your body will settle into it's own natural weight.

I haven't read Debra Waterhouse's book, but I too ordered it based on the feedback it received in the Intuitive Eating Check-in. Above all however, I'm just trying to be good to my bod, enjoy my workouts again, and eat what you want I want to eat, which for me lately, ALWAYS seems to be pretzels and peanut butter!! :) What's with that?!?! :)

Best Wishes!!

I like Debra Waterhouse's "Outsmarting.. Mid-Life Fat Cell" as well as Pamela Peeke's book on perimenopause. If you're between 35 & 45, these books can help you understand your body. Waterhouse's "...Female Fat Cell.." book is for any adult woman & again provides insight into the female metabolism. They all offer guidance on exercise, nutrition & a healthy lifestyle. You should be able to find these at your library.

Many of the popular diet books really don't offer a long-term eating plan. I'm in the anything (legal) in moderation camp. I haven't read Shapiro's book or the "Intuitive Eating" book and wonder if they offer insight into the female metabolism.

A surprisingly good book on a healthy lifestyle is Kathy Smith's older book (not the menopause one). I wouldn't buy it, but it's worth borrowing from the library. It provides some basic fitness plans & quite a bit on a healthy diet (including menus & recipes).
Thanks all for the info. I appreciate it. I just read the "Intuitive Eating" thread. I will definitely have to check out IE and Picture Perfect.

My basic philosophy about food, for the past five years or so, has primarily been to not deny myself the food I love, but to try and keep choices on the healthy side. Unfortunately, as I get older, I'm 32, I see my weight slowly creeping up -- like 1/2 pound a year and I'm really concerned about controlling it. I'm 5'6" and 135 lbs. Does this sound a little too trivial?

I think my workouts are in a good place...cardio 3-4x week and lifting 3x week...I have a substantial collection of Cathe tapes, as well as others, that I mix up. I also ski, bike, and hike depending on the weather. So that's why I feel that maybe my diet could be better. Maybe I'm NOT denying myself just a little too much -- my weakness is Thai and Indian food, love those coconut milk curries!!

Thanks again,

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