Feeling weak and shaky


Active Member
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else has felt this way doing aerobic exercise? Not every time lately but more then not I feel so shaky and weak I cant finish my workout. Its really bugging me. Im wondering maybe I'm drinking too much water and my potassium is low. Does anyone have any input? Should I just go see my Dr? Thanks TLC
I bet Anne is right. That's the way I feel if I have not eaten properly (or enough) the hours preceeding my workout. It always catches up to me later.
I agree with making sure you are properly fueled. Are you eating enough good carbs throughout the day???

I eat pretty healthy all the time. The night before I did PLyo X from P90x and had no problem, sweated like a pig but otherwise felt good. I drink plenty of water. Maybe I will try eating a banana before I work out and see if that helps. Thanks for your advice ladies. TLC
I agree with the other posts about a snack beforehand. Also, you could try drinking a sports drink (Gatorade, Powerade) during the workout instead of water.
I'm one of those people who have to eat RIGHT before I work out or I get weak and shaky. That whole thing about eating a Power Bar or something a couple of hours or an hour before a workout definitely doesn't work for me! I must burn it off too fast - which means I should have a hard time putting on weight. Ha! I wish. :p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I was just thinking that I start to feel this way during the warm up and sweating bad before I even get really going. Do you still think that I just need a snack before? Thanks for any input. TLC
Are you getting enough rest lately? I sometimes experience this when I haven't gotten enough rest, either not much sleep the night before or maybe a week of just not sleeping well/enough. Extra stress lately wearing you down physically? Just some thoughts.

But I'm like others have mentioned. I have to eat a snack within one hour before my workout.

Take care, continue to listen to your body to figure this out.
I have in the past had problems with hypoglycemia that caused me to have that "weak and shaky" feeling. Not sure if it's the same thing you have, but if it is, eating sugar or strictly carbs is not a good thing. My doctor told me that the best thing to do when I start to feel like that is to eat peanuts--or some kind of protein. About 20 to 30 minutes before I work out, I mix a half scoop of whey protein powder with 4 or 5 oz. water and drink it. I usually feel very good all the way through my workout.


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