Feeling the baby move


Does anyone ever notice a difference from day to day about how your baby moves? I have been feeling it now for about 4 weeks but it seems to be not moving as much or as strongly yesterday and today. I have felt it but it is more like little flutters and not true kicks or punches like it has been for weeks.

Should I be worried?
I don't think that you should worry. Although it is so hard not to. My midwife gave me a kickcount chart that I started at 28 weeks. (I forgot to record this weekend though). I am to count 10 movements within 1 hour. If I don't get 10 in an hour, I was told to eat or drink some oj and then resume for another hour. If still not 10 movements in 2 hours then I should call the doctor. I notice that my little guy's activity is different day to day as well, especially if I am more active. The more active I am, the less active he is.

When is your next appt? I'd bring it up at your next appt just to put your mind at ease.

No, you don't need to be worried. At this point of your pregnancy the baby still has a lot of room to move around. Depending on where the baby has floated to, and what position s/he's in, you will feel the movement more intensely, or more lightly.

For this reason, kick counting isn't recommended until the 28th week, when the baby begins to run out of room. To kick-count any earlier than that would not be a reliable indicator of fetal distress.

Hope this helps,
Sometimes the baby is nestled into a position where you might not feel the movements as much. A few times, when I'm worried, I've tried laying on my side, or something to try to get him/her into a different position. If you don't feel what you expect for a day or two, and are still concerned, though, it can't hurt to call your OB's office for peace of mind.
Thanks everyone! I had forgotten that my 24 week appt. was yesterday and did mention my concerns to the doctor. She put me on a monitor for 20 minutes and had the nurse schedule another u/s for Thursday but then saw the results of the monitoring (which were fine) and cancelled the u/s so all is well.

I guess the little booger has just moved deeper or something. I am to call if I am still worried but just as you all said, I will not start kick counting until 28 weeks.

Thanks again for putting a worrying first-time Mom's mind at ease.

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