Favorite Rotation(s)?


I know Cathe will post a doozy of a rotation for January to burn off all the holiday calories, but I'm just curious what other rotation(s)have you done that really gave you great results? I would like to shed to shed a few extra pounds and see total body muscle definition, especially in my abs. I love to work out, but I've always had a hard time sticking to a rotation, so I thought reading about your results and how you got them would provide the extra incentive I need to stick with a specific rotation. Thanks for your responses! Happy New Year! :)
Several months ago I did a search for rotations and wrote down the below info. These are the rotations that other forum members have said were successful for them for fat loss. Looks like that all the January rotations will do the trick. HTH

January '04
January '05
January '06
March '05 Hardcore Celebration (fat loss part)
August '05 Bootcamp
Julie :)

Thank you for posting August 05 rotation, wow we it is a toughie }( }( I've printed this one out, its' a keeper for sure. Guess what, starting on Monday. Happy New Years


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