Fat Flush program

My opinion is that it's a big pile of horse hockey.

There's nothing good and promising about a program that starts you off with 1100-1200 kcalories per day, especially if you're active to begin with. There is almost no way for you to get the macronutrients and micronutrients you need from such a limited intake.

Beware of ANY Dot-Com Diet!

I would be utterly miserable on a 1200 calorie per day diet. I think that going to such extremes is asking for failure. Just my $.02.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-02 AT 11:51AM (Est)[/font][p]I am on my tenth day of the nutrisystem program and have lost four pounds so far. It is only 1000 - 1200 calories per day but I feel fine. As a matter of fact, I have always been on some form of low carb/high protein diet and I actually feel much better now and more energetic. On the low carb diets I always felt tired, constipated, and could not lose any weight regardless of how much I exercised. On the nutrisystem program I have two salads, two servings of fruit, two servings of nonfat milk, and two vegetables per day in addition to three small meals and a snack at night, usually popcorn. The portions are much smaller than what I am used to, about one-third, but I eat something about every two hours so that I don't get tired and hungry. My counselor told me that if I am exercising a lot, I should increase my calories and protein by having a protein shake or milk, at least 7-8 grams of protein. Check out their website, www.nutrisystem.com and good luck.
I've seen repeated many times the recomendation to never go below 1200 calories per day on a diet. While you may lose weight because of calorie deficit, the minute you start eating a more normal amount of calories, the pounds will probably return.
That is some nice progress. If you don't mind my asking, how many pounds do you need to lose? They say you lose more quickly at first if yoy have more to lose--that is why I wonder. jeanne
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-02 AT 11:40AM (Est)[/font][p]I and 5'5", small boned, and weigh 150 pounds and am trying to lose 25 pounds. I am 46 years old and menopausal so it has been extremely difficult for me to lose weight. Before menopause, I was always a size 6-8, weighed about 125, and ate pretty much whatever I wanted. Now I am a size 10-12 and eat much less. What I am learning on the nutrisystem diet is portion control. Although 1000-1200 may be too low for most people, I will probably have to stay at about 1200 calories to maintain my weight. I have noticed that all of the women I know who are over forty and thin are on a low fat diet and eat very little (i.e. two shrimp and salad for dinner). Aging sucks!
Boy, do you speak the truth when you say aging sucks! Until I hit 40 two years ago I never gave any thought to how many calories I consumed daily. My metabolism just seemed to control my weight. Not anymore! I have to watch everything I eat and if I splurge I pack on the pounds easily now, even though I am still very active, maybe even moreso than I was in my 30's. And I haven't even hit menopause yet. :(

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