Excessive Bloating!


Has anyone experienced this? I never experienced this with my first and second child, why is this happening? I am 9 weeks pregnant and itall started at 6 weeks, my stomach just looks awful! My whole waistline has disappeared! I have been working out 6 days a week (all Cathe tapes), I've avoided most of the Christmas goodies, I've been drinking lots of water, and I've been eating very healthy.... what is going on? I am getting very bummed out about this. Is there anything I can do to alleviate this? I swear I look like I'm 4 or 5 months pregnant. I know for a fact I do not have twins, so this is already ruled out. Help!!!!:(
Do you think you could be constipated - -even a little back up can make you feel big? Keep drining and moving.

I can not tell you why it is happening, but it happened to me too. Early on in my pregnancy before I ever should have started to show, all of my pants tightened up on me in the waist for a few weeks. It DID go back down before the REALLY belly popped out though so I'm hoping yours will go back down too! Think positive! :)


We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.
I figured it out! It was my prenatal vitamin that was causing most of my problems. I am going to call on Monday and request a RX for the prenatal vitamin that my Dr. gave me with my first and second pregnancies. The Sam's club vitamin, that I thought was a bargain, will not taken ever again!
This happened to me too. I think it has something to do with the fact it is your third pregnancy. It wasn't the prenatal vitamins for me. I didn't stress about it though. I gained the same weight with all 3 kids, 31 lbs. You will be FINE.
Welcome to your 3rd PG. That happened to me too... Such is life, I guess...
It *will* come off. I promise!;-)

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