ETL fri 1-26


Good morning ETLer's

Congrats on the pregnancy Diane!!! So will this be a vegan/vegetarian baby?...:)

Yesterday was my late work day so my eating was weird.

Genisoy bar and coffee before workout
B: fruit smoothie
Snack: half genisoy bar
L: big salad with added baked tofu grated
D: (at work) leftover chili and a banana
Dessert: another fruit smoothie when I got home from work.
Hated missing my 2nd salad...
Hi ladies -

Yes, I'm planning on a vegan/vegetarian baby, though so far I have eaten meat twice this week so I am not off to a good start. I think it may be one of those things where the kids eat what they want at grandparents house so they will eat meat sometimes, but everything at home and all the lunches I send out will be vegan. At least that is the plan so far. After reading from ETL that what we eat at a child is so important to our long term health, I am definitely going to try to give them the best start possible without being too rigid or over the top. I think Dr. Furhman also has a book about raising healthy kids so I am planning on getting that as well as other books to find healthy foods that kids like, since I don't expect that a kid will want to eat salads all day :)


B: kashi go lean crunch, banana and coffee
S: 1/2 english muffin
L: I think a veggie burger and salad
S: 1/2 muffin and 2 clementines
D: going to vegan restaurant so probably vegan BLT and white bean soup
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I am going to a get together with a big group of girls at a wine bar tonight. There should be wine and cheese, neither of which I can eat (especially if it is soft cheese b/c of pregnancy). So hopefully people won't get too suspicious when I say no to everything offered!!! There will be people from work there so I can't let on that I am pregnant yet.
Hi Carole & Judy,
I'm not doing the ETL check in because I feel like I don't really follow the diet plan closely enough. But you guys are doing great. I admire your discipline to get those veggies in.

Congrats on your pregnancy! good for you to try to eat healthy,

During my pregnancies I used this book (not vegan) but a lot of good info you might enjoy:

There are also those books: "What to expect when you're expecting" and "what to eat when you're expecting..." but I really liked the Elizabeth Somer book. I'm sure you can get them at libraries.

Both of my kids are vegetarian, but not vegan -- interestingly led by them since they were young babies, never crazy about meat. Though they like dairy and we've gradually switched to more soymilk than cow's milk, but I don't say they can't eat cheese or eggs --but I watch the amounts.

Take good care of yourself!


Thanks Barb! I will check it out. I have about a million pregnancy books already (got a bit over zealous when we were try to conceive and bought a ton) so I know the basics of what I am supposed to eat, but I don't have any books specifically about nutrition yet. One of my vegetarian books (Becoming Vegetarian) has a section on eating during pregnancy. It gave a sample menu and I just cannot imagine eating that much food! Lately I can only eat small meals because I feel full on much less food than normal, so I can't imagine stuffing down that much food.

One thing that sounded good in that book that I will try for breakfast is a piece of whole grain toast with natural almond butter and blackstrap molassas on it (along with whole grain cereal, soy milk and oj! so much food!) That has calcium and protein and sounds yummy. And our grocery store has a machine that makes almond butter fresh for you, so that sounds really yummy.
Definitely check out (maybe not buy, but check out) the Elizabeth Somer book if it sounds interesting. She has the nutrition broken up by trimester, which I found useful because I could envision that I had a different "job" nutritionally at each phase --and it helped me feel connected to my babies.

I have the book Becoming Vegan (maybe by similar authors) and like it a lot.

I had major nausea in the first trimester with both of my pregnancies. It's very difficult and I, too, ate a lot of small meals. In terms of sample menus, you have to work with your own body. I liked understanding the overall nutritional picture (i.e. what is the role of protein, say, in the later trimesters, or the role of iron as it relates to developing blood cells to grow a baby) that helps in making diet decisions tailored to your own body.

You sound really on top of things. Keep us posted on how you are feeling and doing.

Oh BTW, I also liked the book "A Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" for the humor element. Yout gotta' keep your sense of humor!:+

Barb -

I am currently reading Girlfriend's Guide right now! I was saving it until I actually became pregnant (I read several before becoming pregnant) so that I could have something fun to read and get excited about everything in the beginning. It is very funny, and I sometimes read stuff out loud to DH that cracks me up. DH also has a book called Expectant Father or something like that that he started reading. It is so cute, he will run in the room several times while reading it and tell me to make sure not eat soft cheeses, or use cleaners, etc., and I am like, I know darling.

Yes, Becoming Vegan is by the same author and has a lot of similar content I think. It is much more indepth than ETL about what nutrients vegans and vegetarians need to watch out for.

I will see if the Somer book is at our library. If not, maybe I will scan through it at Barnes and Noble and see if I want to buy.
Your DH sounds very sweet. It's a big thing for guys to go through, too.
Glad you have the Girlfriend's Guide book. It's a hoot!

Have a great weekend!

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