Eniva products


Hello everybody! Has anybody heard of Eniva products? I've been looking for a "very" good vitamin supplement and this company carries a little bit of everything from vitamins (a product called Vibe) to digestive enzymes to hair and cleaning supplies. Their product is organic which is a super big plus in my book. I eat as clean as possible but I still wonder in the long run if an awesome vitamin supplent would be to my benefit. My dog gets the best of supplements I figured it is now my turn:) Happy Day everybody
A friend of mine takes 2 oz. of Vibe everyday, and says it has made an amazing difference in her life. Her energy level is higher than it's ever been. It's quite pricey, but she says it's well worth it.
Thanks! I often wonder if I truly need anything but if I'm going to spend the money, I'd rather it be something good and worth what I'm going to spend the money for. Much appreciative for your input!:7

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