Energy pills? Is there such a thing?


I'm pretty sure that this question has been asked before, but I'm struggling every since they say how bad Ephedra is. I used to take a pill that contained Ephedra once a day in the morning and it was awesome! My energy levels were high and my mood was set at "awesome" for the whole day. Now, I've quit taking them because they are suppose to be so dangerous. I'm in good shape and I eat healthy most of the time. Is there anything out there to give me that little boost in the morning (besides my coffee)? Or should I just hope that eating well and continuing to workout will do the trick??

Thanks. Marcia
There are definitely pills out there that give you energy, but just like Ephedra (and caffeine) they are stimulants and artificial boosts. Some of them will give you energy for a while, but you'll experience a let-down later. Others (such as caffeine, and the theobromine found in chocolat) are addictive to various extents or you can build up a tolerance to them and need more to get the same feeling. Sounds like a drug reaction? It is!

I don't believe in taking pills in general, except for vitamins.

What about a 20 minute walk in the morning or some other short workout that will get your engine going without wearing you out?
Caffeine is my thing in the morning but after lunch if I drink it I get a letdown instead of a boost.
The ephedra thing is debatable. I have heard both sides of it....people for it and people against it....even after that Oriole baseball player died apparently from using it. Course you never hear anything about the fact that he was VERY out of shape at the time.
On viamins it's interesting that just this morning I heard Dr. Dean Edell on the radio(ever hear of him?) saying their is growing concern over the safety of even taking those!!
They're not energy pills, but taking 5 HTP three times a day has made me feel a lot better. My mood has improved, my sleep cycle has improved, and I've lost weight. Doesn't get much better than that.
Virgin Coconut Oil

:) I started using virgin coconut about 5 months ago and love it for the steady energy it gives me all day long. I only use it in the morning, about 1 TBL melted in some coffee. Coconut oil suports thryroid function and really does help with energy levels. My doctor even recommended it.

I have learned not to take an afternoon dose though. The couple of times I did, I was still awake at 1 a.m.! You can read articles about it at


I recommend the book 5-HTP by Michael Murray, ND. Basically what it does is boost your serotonin levels so you feel better, eat fewer carbs,and sleep better. The only drawback is that some people get an upset stomach from it so you have to increase your dose gradually. It also takes a while to work.

Higher serotonin levels just make you feel better overall.

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