Ectochicks are not dead yet: 5/19


Hey guys, where is everyone? I'm guilty of not checking in last week, but really....I did workout. I'm guessing that Angela is busy packing, hope it's going well Angela!!

Julie....I know your'e out there because your reading my email :p :p :p are you feeling?'re the only who responded last week...good for you!!

And....where is that incredibly buff slnewmanpt...I knew we would scare her away, we should have remained silent Angie, we were just overanxious. Please come back Sherry and we will not pester you about detailed workouts....I promise. (where is that little smiley guy with his fingers crossed behind his back).

Just an update....I'm feeling much better since last Wednesday and am back on the boat.

Monday - PS all upperbody with abs
Tuesday - LL (what's new) and PLB ball work
Wednesday - Upper body CTX or PUB
Thursday - IMAX I or II
Friday - Legs S&H and Shoulders, Biceps S&H
Saturday - Cardio and the rest of Upper body Slow and Heavy
Sunday - REST!!!!!

Hi Briee!!

You are so sweet and funny!! Glad to hear you're feeling better too. I'm still hangin' around! You guys can't get rid of me that easily!! :7 I'm not sure what I'm going to do this week. I'm having some serious insomnia, so I'm playing it by ear.

BTW, thanks for the compliments on my shoulders (blush). I really don't do anything specific for them. I do work them three times a week. I think maybe yoga helps make them look more defined.

I'm brain dead here, I just wanted to check in. Have a great week, everyone!:7

Hey Ladies!

I wasn't sure if last week was just an off week or if everyone was getting tired of the ecto threads, so I thought I'd hang back and let someone else start it up this week.

Things have been nutty for me lately. Yes, we're packing. Looks like we're going to close on Friday and the movers are coming Wednesday the 28th. We're very excited!

I haven't been doing well with my workouts. I finally tapered off the prednisone last week (yea!), but now am suffering from adrenal fatigue - not uncommon after extended pred usage. I've been unable to work out as long or as heavy as I'm used to and this is discouraging. For some reason, lower body is really difficult. My legs start aching during the warm up! Sometimes I can work through it and it goes away, but sometimes I just feel weak and have to cut the workout short. I did LL yesterday and skipped the step ups and hover squats entirely and still thought I was going to die!

I'm going to do PUB tonite and PLB Thursday night - that's probably all I'll get done the rest of the week with all of the moving excitement.

Briee, I'm glad to hear you're feeling better!

Hey Ectochicks, here I am!!:7

WoW! Briee that is a lot in one week! Are you sure you're pregnant? I couldn't do that when I'm "normal" (not that I'm ever normal).

Hey, I took an awesome walk on Muscle Butt Mountain with Aqua Jock on Sunday. Oh wait, did I say mountain? I meant VERTICAL drop. The mountain was actually a sliding hill in the winter and it goes straight down. I managed to get just 5 trips up before I was spent. Sounds wussy, but it was killer. I can't believe Annette Machine has done as many as 17 trips.:eek:

As far as working out goes, I'm trying two rest days per week and so far I am really liking it. The energy level is so much higher on the day after a rest day, It's been worth it for me. I do workout for almost two hours on some days, though, to try and get everything in. How long do all of you go? I wish I could do 3 hours sometimes.

I'm doing kind of a mini tank top rotation:

Sun-Muscle Butt Mountain
Mon-Boot Camp
Wed-Pyramid UB Bi/tri/shoulder, cardio of choice
Thu-Pyramid LB/PUB chest/back
Fri-CTX or maybe PS Bi/tri/shoulder and kickbox

Have a great week and holiday weekend, Ecto's. Show those skinny arms:7!


PS-Briee is pregnancy helping to get those arm veins a-poppin'? :+ (You should see A-Jock's, she let me touch one.)
Angela, that's a lot of "stuff". Changing meds, moving . . . I'm glad you're cutting back when you need to. I know with the ankle re-hab it was tough to do less, but ultimately it was better to heal up and recover.

I hope all goes well with the moving. Do you have plenty of friends with trucks? You always find out who your real friends are when you have to move.

Hope you feel good this week, girl.

Julie :)

I also suffer from insomnia. Especially the week before ttotm which just happens to be this week.

I have a conditon called Fibromyalgia. And the insommia can bring on all kinds of horrible muscle spasms. But anyhoo, this may be worth seeing your Dr. about. The are some decent non-addictive sleeping meds on the market for short term use. Of course that's a personal desicion, but I was totally unaware of this.

An herbal remedy that helps me greatly is Valerian root. When I take one before bed, it generally helps me go back to sleep after I wake up in the wee hours. That is my main problem. Not being able to fall back asleep. You may want to do some research on VR before you try it, but has very few side effects and is generally considered non-addictive.

I also found some great books at the library about insomnia/sleep disorders. There's many reasons a gal can lose sleep. One book I recall was titled: A Woman's Book of Sleep

I hope this helps. Three weeks is a long time.;(

Touching AJ's veins...this is too much for me

Ohhhhhhh Julie, now you've done me touched AJ's veins....are they REALLY visible. Just when I'm feeling like slacking today you've given me a pick me up....I've got to have those veins. Oh major drool going on here.

Regarding the working out and breaks: I'm constantly learning something new everytime a "real life" challenge comes up. Like I was going really heavy with upper body three times per week, but then got sick and this threw everything off. It seemed like the days that I couldn't do anything may have been useful. My muscles seem to adapt pretty quickly to a "set" routine and sometimes it's helpful (at least in my case) to change things up a bit every so often. And I was straining my brain trying to figure out how to ever work in PH and fun things like that. And while I was sick, I had a very hard time doing my own heavy work without a tape so I went back to CTX upperbody and PS, and PH and other fun Cathe workouts and I had kind of ditched them. I don't think it's a bad thing to grab a lighter month (like in Angela's case, and my own) Just do what you feel like doing. I'm almost ready now to be focused and hit the heavy weights again and I think that I needed this little break to refocus. I'm now following Annettes heavy routine (an unGodly number of pushups off the step at various heights) on Saturday's and then doing an endurance routine on the other day and then a third day of PS upperbody and this seems to keep things interesting. Kind of a variation of the TTR. Anyway....sorry to have rambled. I could have kept it short and said "BREAKS ARE GOOD" (breaks....not a vacation)

Yup it's true!

Not only are they distinctly visible, they are visible even when she's not "pumped" up. I don't know how she keeps herself from playing with/pressing on them all day. I wish I could throw you a towel to mop your belly off with. (Or do you have the belly, yet? I looked prego from day one!)

I guess I could ask Annette what her heavy routine is, but I'd like to hear a "Skinny Mama's" take on it. So spew!:+ :*

ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!}( }( Where are you?????? Are you out having fun?

Way off topic: Thought you'd all like to know it was 42 degrees in MN last night. Where's my winter coat? BRRR :7


What kind of shoulder routine do you do 3x's a week? Have the ecto's all ready bugged you to share on this? If not, and if you can stay awake (ha!) throw it on.

;) Julie

PS-Keep us posted on what the Dr. says, Okay?:7
RE: Touching AJ's veins...this is too much for me

Hi my fellow ecto’s!

Glad we’re still hanging in there! Briee, I noticed too that we were the lonely twosome last week! Happy to know that everyone was just busy and not totally ignoring us! :)

Briee, you do seem to have a really full plate! You’re doing better than I am and I’m not pregnant at all! (Big knock on wood here!) I plan to finish out the month with Muscle Endurance. I’m not ready to go back to the split training just yet.

Here’s my schedule for the week:

Tue – ME
Wed- CTX cardio + abs
Thu- ME
Fri- CTX cardio + abs
Sat- ME
Sun- CTX cardio or Rhythmic Step + abs

Sherry – I second the recommendation on the Valerian. I take 1-2 capsules right at bed time and sleep soundly all night. A friend suggested that I try it because I was complaining about being so tired due to the fact that I was waking up during the night and was unable to get back to sleep. I would toss and turn for more than an hour and then by the time I’d drift off the alarm would ring. It did wonders for me! At first I was sleeping deeply for about 6 hours and waking up at 5 a.m. feeling like I’d slept even longer. I felt refreshed. Soon all those 5 o’clock wakings got to me. (This was when I was taking it an hour before bedtime as stated on the bottle.) I changed it to a few minutes before hoping in the bed!

Angela – give it a little time and you’ll be as strong as ever! :) Have no fear – I still skip sections of Leaner Legs! I am such a wimp when it comes to that tape. I generally fast forward through the sit and stands or I do deadlifts or plie squats. For some reason those sit and stands bother my knees. I feel a pull in there and not knowing whether or not it’s okay or could lead to an injury I pass it up!

Anyone know what I mean? Any suggestions for the sit and stands? Could my weight load just be too heavy? I think I was using a 35 lb. barbell. For most of the workout I use the 35 with the exception of deadlifts. For those I go heavier -–40-45 lbs.

I am not even going to ask what Annette’s heavy routine consists of! I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for anything she does!:eek:

Will check in tomorrow! I haven't done ME since I first received my Intensity pack in the mail! Wish me luck! And I'll try not to be so wimpy! :+

RE: Talkin' 'bout me behind my back

Julie-Booley, I forgot to mention Sunday that when I did Musclebutt Mountain consistently in the summer 2000, I was doing it with 4 lbs of wrist and hand weights on each hand.

Good training for I-Max 1, which is what I started doing 10/00 when it got too dark to do the Mountain after work.


Brainey, Veiney and Bald
}( }( }( }( }( }( }( }(
RE: Talkin' 'bout me behind my back


I think you need a new challenge. Like maybe carrying a small donkey on your back up and down the mighty hill. Or better yet, maybe an ectomorph!}( Not me, though, I don't want to see you get hurt. How about Briee!:eek: :eek: :eek:
RE: Talkin' 'bout me behind my back

Why do I get the feeling that when Aquajock does IMAX I, she is doing a completely different workout. I picture her with wrist and ankle weights and a 20 inch step and she leaps at least a stability ball's distance over and beyond the step, touches the floor with each alternating knee whilst doing the scissors thingy's....and yawns once or twice through interval 10.......and all the while her bicep vein pulses quietly at a mere 80 beats per minute, visibly mind you.

You rock AJ, and I'm determined to catch up with you someday. Obviously not in the next 6 months....but someday!!! ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

(A girl has to have dreams!!)

Sherry, I'm so sorry about this incidence of insomnia. I keep wondering if it isn't a hormonal thing as it appears that way for many women. I've been waking at night for the last 4 weeks or so (not every night, but almost every) but attributed it to hormonal shifts with the that won't help you there. All I can say is that I really sympathize, it is exhausting to lose sleep and messes up workouts big time!!!!

I have used Valerian in the past with good results. I haven't used it now due to it's safety during pregnancy...I'm going to check on that as it's beginning to make me crazy too.

One question and please don't answer if your not up to it right can wait a few weeks if it would be more convenient. I was wondering how you got the idea that yoga would make your shoulders more defined. I've never done yoga so I know very little about it. Do you follow a tape and if so which one? In what fashion does it work your shoulders or cause definition? I'm intrigued by this....something is REALLY working for you and I'm determined to get to the bottom of it!! :7 :7 :7

RE: Yup it's true!

Thank you!!!! Angela that was great thanks for taking the time. I know you're busy moving and all.:* :*

RE: Yup it's true!

Does this mean that since you've posted as CardioHo and Amadeus that you're using both these names? I remember CardioHo's posts as not very kind.
RE: Okay, I must out myself too . . .

I am the infamous "Diet Coke Slut" who posted back to "CardioHo" on an earlier thread.

Everyone must understand that Julie and I are good friends, mutual restraining orders notwithstanding. We live in the same geographic area, have broken bread and arms on many occasions, and live in a constant state of meaningful, permanent and ongoing combat. She loves my veins, and I love her hair. She has this irresistible urge to twit me (how hard can it be to twit a twit?) and I have this irresistible urge to call the police on her when I think she's off her meds.

We love each other, Julie and I, we do. We'll do MuscleButt Mountain again.

Diet Coke Slut Revealed

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