Ectochick Check 11/4


Hi guys,

Did we all survive the Halloween candy spree? My husband was nice enough to purchase only the stuff I don't like for our trick or treaters (read: not chocolate), and he took the leftovers immediately to work the next day.

The other thing that helped me was this: I had a hair cut appt. on Halloween Day and they had all kinds of goodies at the salon, but the girl that does my hair introduced me to her secret weapon - Atkins peanut butter cups. They were really good - and definitely the lesser of several evils.

Well, my plan for this week is heavy lifting with the PS series like last week.

Hey, All! This week I'm changing my game-plan to include 6 days of cardio, wt work for each body part 3Xwk and Winsor for Abs 4X wk.

Mon-Body Max/Winsor for Abs
Tues-60 min Treadmill intervals/Winsor
Wed-Leaner Legs/30 min treadmill walk/Winsor
Thurs-Joyce Vedral's Upper Body tape/30 min treadmill intervals/Winsor
Fri-Deprise Brescia's Lower Body tape/30 min treadmill walk
Sat-GHAS/30 min treadmill intervals

Angela, my Mom had an ileostomy about 25 yrs ago. She's a huge success story...aside from a couple of 'stop-ups', she's never had a single problem. No more sickness and no one could ever tell that she has an ileostomy. She hasn't slowed down a bit. I hesitated to say that she was cured due to an ileostomy earlier, cuz some people just can't bear the thought. She couldn't before either. Since the surgery, she's said that she wishes she had done it 10 yrs earlier.

I'm continuing with no refined carbs and I'm gonna cut out some of the man-made carbs (pasta, bread, bagels, etc). Now, where can I get some of those Atkins Peanut Butter cups?

Hi Robin,

Looks like you've got a tough week planned. Do you like Joyce Vedral's tape? I got her two "Fast Forward" workouts and was really disappointed - mainly 'cuz it just moves way too fast.

I'm glad to hear your Mom's doing so well. I've heard a lot of people say they wish they'd had the operation sooner. However, for me - it would definitely be a last resort. It's frustrating to me because I feel there are other approaches to the situation that mainstream doctors won't even discuss. My GI is amazed at how well I'm doing - and I'm off almost all medication - but he never asks me what I'm doing that's caused my improvement.

You can probably find the Atkins treats at GNC, maybe even Wal-Mart. You can order them online here:

They are firmer and not the creamy/oily consistency of Reese's, but the taste is great - no fake sweetner taste that I could detect.

Hello, hello!

Last week was quite different for me! I have to figure out how to get my weight training in with all this running. So I missed quite a few eight workouts last week but over the weekend I made up for by doing a circuit training session on my home gym.

Here are my plans for this week:

Mon- easy run (after work w/coworker),
Tue- morning weight workout and abs, evening meet running group for speedwork
Wed- easy run (after work w/another coworker),
Thu- circuit training or jumproping
Fri- try to do a long run in the a.m.
Sat- yoga
Sun- easy run

Georgia - as you can see I found a running group to train with based right in my town. So from now until the end of the year I'll do speedwork with them on Tuesdays. I've taken Tuesdays (and Fridays) as my vacation days so I get to join them after all. They meet at 5:30, normally I would still be at work and an hour away at that. So I'm excited about it! Also I went to the store on Saturday, tried and tested several pairs of running shoes. It was fun! :) The man helping me was the owner and just happens to be on the board of directors for the St. Louis Track Club (I plan to join this club because they put on a lot of races) and most of his team members belong there. I can't wait to get started. We talked about races, winter clothing, shoes, foot problems, training. I think I spent an hour in there. He was really sweet!

Will check in later this week! Don't know what I'm going to do with myself tomorrow and Friday outside of the workouts I have planned. Should I paint, mop and wax floors, clean windows...... what?! This is why I don't like to take time off and always end up squishing in days at the end of the year, like if I ignore them they'll disappear. I have 129.5 hours to use by December 31st. I decided to roll some of those hours into short term disability because I really don't want to be off. I know it sounds crazy but I enjoy coming to work, getting a break from home. :)

Sorry I talked too much! Guess I'm a little winded today! :)
Signing off for sure this time! :)

Sorry! One more thing - will someone post the link to all the rotations. I remember there being a rotation that incorporated running and weight training. Was it by lablover?

Thanks! Bye :)
Hey there ectos, I had a great weight week, but NO cardio. I missed it. I got a breast infection (nursing baby still) on wednesday night and thursday was my cardio day so I missed that one and Saturday I began to attempt imax after S&H legs and just couldn't do it. I'm really trying to beef it up on the leg routine and they were fried. I did S&H legs with #60 on the bar, lunges with #50 and plies with #50. This is my last week of S&H and I hope to do the leg portion with #65 tomorrow. (this is a personal goal, my bar weighs 15 pounds and I want to put two 25 pound plates at each end to look really tough, just once, even if I can just get through 1 set at that weight, I'm deterimined!!) Here is my week this week again:
M - S&H bis and tris
Tu- S&H legs and should
W- S&H chest and back
Th - Cardio kicks or RS
F - either S&H upper bod split or maybe PH
S- S&H Legs (unless I did PH yesterday) and Imax or treadmill
Sun Always rest!! Well usually.


Angela, I forgot to mention that I seem to be on a similar diet to yours although for other reasons. I had a problem with candida in the past (we lived in an old moldy home and we all had problems). I also had allergies and finally gave up all dairy and meat and am doing great. I've had lots of other things clear up since I've been on a veggie diet. My hayfever that I've had my entire life is gone and we are surrounded (44 acres) by trees and weeds. I can't touch sugar. I will say that having the health problems has made me eat different and I'm thankful for that. No more junk food period, but I feel great and that keeps me going!!! Just had to share that.


That's interesting. Candida definitely plays a part in my illness. I didn't mention it, because most people don't have any idea what you're talking about.

We lived in a home that had previous water damage in the crawl space under the house and often had standing water under there. The windows all sweated and leaked. The paint on the window sills was moldy and peeling. No wonder I got so ill. We moved to a newer house on a slab last December - I feel a lot better now.

I do eat meat. I have to have lean chicken and turkey for my protein source. Can't tolerate beans, grains or soy.

I've been experimenting with Atkins bars to see if I can tolerate the sugar alcohols. I have a feeling I probably won't be able to eat them. Too bad - they taste pretty good.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-02 AT 10:27AM (Est)[/font][p]All right! I'm back. Had some computer snafu's happening last week, but I'm okay for now.

NewsFlash! I started Body Rx yesterday. Yeah, me. The one who never follows trends. But I came to this point because I seem to have a VERY stubborn ten pounds to lose. I have been trying to lose them for just about 10 years, now. So I'm reading Dr. Connelly's book and thinking why not try it? Just for six weeks and see what happens.

So, here goes: about 140 grams of protein, 30 grams of fiber, 280 grams of yellow (starchy) carbs. Yesterday went well, but boy that's a LOT of protein.

So, with this new plan I think I will change over to Slow and Heavy for weight training. It seems to be the best choice to suit the program at this point.

I am dead serious on this. I fully expect to see results. Wish me Godspeed.

My workout week:

Slow and Heavy M-W-F
CTX aerobics T-TH-S
Yoga as needed

Ecto-girls, there's something I 've been thinking about with all this talk of our tendency toward digestive upsets. I noticed that I have problems (extreme bloating, major gas, horrible gut ache)with the following foods: any apple product, flax, oatmeal, blueberries, oranges, broccoli, onions, anything from Taco Bell, salsa/peppers, bananas and others I can't recall right now. Funny, I never associated this with anything but inherited tendencies, but it seems to be a part of the whole ecto make-up. Weird.

If any of you have tried Body Rx, let me know how you fared on it.

Have a great week. My Halloween candy is gone thanks to my three teenagers. :-jumpy

Maybe there is a relationship b'ween ectos and digestive sensitivities. I've been having a lot of problems with a fiber heavy diet recently. All my favourite foods are giving me problems - broccoli, fiber one, beans, whole grains etc. Even dairy has been aggravating me. Might just consider going from veggie to vegan as I don't really like dairy.

Julie, please do keep us posted on the Body Rx thing. I don't follow trends either but I've been reading on this board that people really are lifting a lot heavier with this programme. I constantly dream of being able to do bicep curls with 20lb dumbells! My question is this - 140grams of protein is a lot - how many calories do you need to eat in one day to get that much protein? Also do you find that you start feeling extremely alert (almost dazed) with that much protein but low on energy physically? I know that I do if I start eating too much of the stuff. Anyway best of luck with the new programme. I can't wait to hear what your results are like.
Hi Julie,

There are several possible explanations for your reaction to the foods listed. First, several of them are high fiber (the fruits, oatmeal, broccoli). Secondly, you may be allergic or have a food sensitivity to certain foods. Have you noticed any other seemingly unrelated symptoms after eating these foods - like sinus congestion, joint swelling/achiness, drowsiness?

If you notice bloating and gas after eating sweet and/or hi-carb foods - like the bananas - you may have a candida overgrowth. This can be responsible for a lot of physical symptoms you would never attribute to your diet.

Good thing the Halloween candy is gone. I'm so glad my husband bought stuff he knew I wouldn't like and took it to work with him Nov. 1st!

Dairy is a notorious offender. A lot of folks are lactose intolerant or allergic to the casein in dairy. Try avoiding all dairy for a week and see if you don't feel a whole lot better.
Hi prfitness;-)

On the Body Rx you don't have to count calories, which is THE WEIRDEST thing I have ever experienced. I mean, we've been taught that EVERY thing we put in our mouths counts calorie -wise. So, no counting calories.

As far making the protein requirement, you can use either food, nutrition bars or protein powders as you chose.

I did try the low-carb diet before and had the same lethargic symptoms you describe. Yesterday I had the following for "yellow carbs" (starchy): 3/4 Cup Kashi Go Lean cereal, 5 frozen potstickers, (they have pasta,yum), one whole wheat flour tortilla, one ww dinner roll, 1/4 cup of All-Bran and I still came up at bit short of 280 grams. So as you can see, it's not extremely carb-restrictive.

It's different to say the least.

As far as heavy lifting goes, I'm looking for a post I put up last summer. I'll put it on when I find it.

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