eating right


Hello! I was just reading some posts about losing weight and was wondering if anyone had gone to a registered dietician to get help with setting up a good eating plan? I have read a lot of books on the subject, but I guess my main problem is how many calories are going to be the magic amount for me to eat and still lose weight. Right now I am doing Cathe's wedding tape and I just alternate the cardio with the weight section like she says to do. I am just shy of 5'4" and weigh about 123pounds. I would like to lose about 10 pounds. Of course if I gain muscle weight that would be great! My stomach is really flabby from having kids, is there hope for me to tone it back up?! Also my hips are carrying a big bunch of fat on them (I hate that!) I know that I need to lose the layer of fat to expose the muscle I am building, so I would really love to have a great eating plan so I can do that. It just seems like there is fine line between not eating enough and eating too much. That's why I thought the dietician route might be good, it just cost kind of a lot for me. Any thoughts on the matter would be great!
First, you might be overfat but you are not overweight. As a guideline, females should weight 100# plus 5# for every inch over 5'. Reduce by 10% for small frames & increase for 10% for large framed. That's just a guideline for reference. A muscular athletic person is going to weigh more. So there can be overfat 110# people & lean 140# people of the same height. So getting to the point finally, you should be concerned with your bodyfat not a number on the scale.

I took a couple of classes in nutrition taught by RD's & found them very beneficial. I did learn how to calculate how many calories I burn, the problems with low carb diets, how to determine protein needs, etc. I think an evaluation with an RD is generally quite useful. has a calories calculator. I found it got pretty close to my equilibrium number (2200 kcal/day). A food diary is usefull in determining just what the magic number is & getting a true intake level. To get lean, the eternal quest, you just need to eat healthy & work those muscles on a consistent basis. It takes time.


One thing I do is have a meal of a chicken breast, salid,
and streamed broccoli twice a week. Also, I
do not use any butter (or marg.), or gravey. If you
really need something on you potatos, try chicken
broth. After I while, you won't even miss it.
In fact, veggies don't taste as good with all that
fat on them after a while. Garlic salt is good,
not too much.

But, I'm a man, and carry weight in different areas.
I have a hard time shrinking my obliques (love handles),
my ab workouts help big time. You know, working your abs
can help other areas too. Also, I was told while looking
at a poster of Tammylee Webb, that in order to get those
type of abs, 60% of it is dieting, 40% is exercise.

I think you'll be amazed if you simply eliminate butter
(marg.) from your diet.

Also, alcohol can be a big enemy. I like my cocktails
once in a while after work. I chug a big glass of water
before meeting my friends for beers, seems like it make
me consume less, plus water is good.

Hope this helps, just some thoughts. Have a nice day,
and good luck, you can do it!

I agree with Debra and Glen!! You are definately NOT overweight!! Overfat maybe. They say that anything beyond 25% is considered obese, while 20% seems the norm. Get your Bodyfat tested!! While you may lose a couple of pounds on the scale, bodyfat (I feel) is more important.

Glenn is right, fat and alcohol are big no no's. There is also one more thing I'd like to add, try to limit your consumption of sugar. It causes an insulin surge in your body(and insulin is a fat storing hormone) and then a crash, leading to another sugar fix.

I think an R.D. is an excellent idea!! I wish I could afford!! Also is an excellent site for acessing your diet, exercise, nutrition goals, and they have consuelors onsite.

Ok, hope we have helped ya' some!!

Thanks for the replies! I probably did word that wrong - I am *overfat*! I would just like to tighten everything up and fast! I know, I know, slow and steady...

I am really bad when it comes to sugar and have recently decided to make a real effort to cut back on that. I'm pretty good as far as butter and gravy go and I don't drink alcohol. I try and eat low-fat, no-fat as far as dairy goes, but don't let me see those cookies!: ) My whole family, paternal and maternal sides are overweight and a lot of them obese so I just really don't want to go there. Please tell me that as I stop consuming so much sugar that I won't crave it so much? It seems like at different times during the month I just *have* to have it. Can anyone relate? I will check out those two websites that were mentioned and maybe I can work something out for free! Thanks again!
I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! Because even though I preach it, ALOT of the time I don't practice it!! Those times get to me too!! Cake, cookies and ice cream are my greatest weaknesses!! It also dosen't help that I'm a cook. Well, that's my day job. At night I teach fitness classes. Anyway, the craving for sugar will lessen, but not go away. At least not for me. I'm not big on chips or gravies, or alcohol either, but heaven help the person who tries to come between me and my sweets;-)! One last thing before I forget, Dietwatch IS FREE!!!!

I also crave sugar, howver I never feel good when I have it. I
have tried sugar free popsicles and sugar and fat free pudding made with skim milk. I also find I crave sugar when I dont get
enough protein. It is still a struggle though, I have three teenagers who want homemade cookies and bars around.
Me too!

I have a big problem with sugar. I'm ok if I don't eat it, but as soon as I have any, I want more and lots of it. Definitely some kind of chemical reaction to the sugar. I never eat enough protein and I've heard that can be part of the problem. My husband insists on having junk food around, which means I have to allow my kids to eat it also and then I end up eating it.
So this is what I think: It seems like everything I read says "if you really crave something you should eat it, but just a little bit to satisfy the craving or you may end up eating a lot of it later." That never seems to work for me! If I eat a little bit than I always want more and if I just don't have any than pretty soon the craving subsides. I'm trying now to subtitute fresh and dried fruit when I feel like a need a sugar fix. It is REALLY hard to not eat it when my husband or kids are eating it (same goes for french fries)! I need to work on that whole will power thing!
Hi Mjean! If you really want to know all about nutrition and what a CLEAN diet consists of please see if your local library has Joyce Vedral's "Eat to Trim." It's one of the best books I ever found. She gives a month's worth of a meal plan but she also lists all breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes in the back of the book. I'm not sure if you've already read this book or not but if not give it a try. It's worth it! You won't need to spend any money on a dietician after reading her book. Good luck! Kathy
Thanks Kathy! I'll check and see if they have that book. I have read a lot of books but a lot of them seem to have foods that are kinda expensive or just kind of wierd! I have a big family with some picky eaters and not that huge of a budget to spend on food. I wish that fish and chicken was as inexpensive as hamburger!
Melissa, Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition book has lots of family friendly recipes. I'm semi-vegetarian so take the following recommendation w/ a grain of salt, but taking the emphasis off of animal protein & using more plant protein is generally healthier & cheaper. Plus it's easy to introduce "weird" vegies into your family's diet if they're part of a casserole, stew, soup, etc.
Thanks Debra - I'll see if I can find it at the library. I love rice and beans and fruit and veggies so it would be great to have good recipes with more of those things included.
Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition is an excellent book and has a lot of great recipes! I wanted to second the recommendation!

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