Ear pain when flying, any suggestions?


I have very uncomfortable (torturous) ear pain when flying, usually when the airplane is descending. I pinch my nose and blow, which helps temporarily, but I have heard that this maneuveur can blow an ear drum! I take sudafed before a flight but it doesn't seem to help much. I am beginning to dread flying and I love to travel. I live in Colorado at 5400 feet and when I ascend any higher I also have ear problems. Two days ago we took a drive up Trail Ridge Road, past the Continental Divide, at 12,000 feet and I thought by ears were going to burst. Does anyone out there have this problem and what did you do about it. I often have sinus pain and I'm sure there is a connection. :)
I would use a product called Otrivin, it's a decongestant nasal spray, as soon as the plane starts its descent. It works quickly to open your nasal passages, and the Eustachian tube in your throat. They also sell little cups you can put over your ears that the flight attendants can microwave for you so they're warm. This is supposed to help but I would be too self-conscious. I think the Otrivin is great. If they don't sell it anymore (my bottles last 10 years), ask a pharmacist for a comparable product. They are over the counter.
Thank you for your response. I will buy some Otrivin...I've never heard of it...so you see, two heads are better than one! I knew someone would come to my rescue. These boards are loaded with great tips and info.
I use chewing gum. :)

Keta. :D

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I fly a LOT, probably 75k miles this year.

I don't have this problem but frequently meet others who do. Many regular flyers swear by a product called EarPlanes. I did a quick search of the web and they are readily available on the Internet for around $20 for 4-pair. I think you can also get at stores like Walgreens

You put them in before the plane door closes and keep them in until you land. Supposed to work wonders.

I yawn when my ears do pop and that does the trick for me.

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