I do all of the low impact videos at this point, and have just started to add back in weights. First trimester, when I was exhausted, I would do Basic Step and LIS, since they were 30 minutes. It really did help with energy!
LIC, Low Max, LIS, Low Impact Step are all favorites and in my standard rotation at this point.
I've had to drop my board to just the platform, due to my heartrate going up pretty easily, But apart from that not much modification has been necessary.
For weights, I'm doing Muscle Max, I love the total body mixes from LIC and Drill Mac, Supersets...and I plan to check out what my total body options are on 4DS as well.
Like another poster said, go with what feels good for your body and modify where you have to. Your body will tell you what feels good and what doesn't.
I'm 29 weeks at this point, BTW, and have been working out all along.