"Down Days" from Cathe's workouts

Hi All!

What do you do on the days that you want to take a break from Cathe's intense workouts - but not take a break from fitness?

Does anyone enjoy her stretch DVD's? I could do that.........

OR........I tried a beginners yoga DVD from Giam today. Patricia Walden was teaching it. I really enjoyed this! The stretching felt great.

If you could - please recommend a less intense "down day" Cathe DVD. I wish she did Pilates or Yoga, but it seems that she does not. Maybe she does not have a "light day" DVD?


"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day!" :)

I have been fighting a cold the last few days, plus feeling rather hormonal, and wanted to work out without overdoing it, so I have been using some of Cathe's beginner/intermediate workouts (Body Fusion, Total Body Sculpting, Low Impact Step). I'm using heavier weights than the 3 lbs. she uses, but not as heavy as I would normally go (more like 5-8 lbs.) I added a few extra jumps to the cardio, but again, not as intense as what I would do on a "normal" day. I feel like I got a pretty good workout without going overboard, which is just what I wanted.

Stretch Max is good too! Sometimes I will do 20 min on the bike on an easy level, then follow with a Stretch max segment. Not to sound too silly, but it's kind of "refreshing" for a day when I need a bit of a break.

Hope that helps!

There are a lot of other instructors out there who offer intermediate workouts. Check out www.collagevideo.com for some ideas.

Also, doing something completely different from Cathe (like TLT's, which are functional fitness workouts) is a good idea every once in a while.

For stretching, I like Tamilee Webb's stretch workouts, Debbie Sieber's "Cool it Off" (from the Slim Series) and some others.

Hiking is also a great alternative but it can be very intense or just a pleasant walk through the woods and get you get to enjoy some nature along the way.
BTW, I second Kathryn on the TLT workouts.

Thank you!

I love Yoga and Pilates on down days too!


I think I may purchase Stretch Max though........


"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day!" :)

I run or push my daughter up and down hills in her stroller. Kathy Smith has a few intermediate tapes that are decent. I'd also call the Firm intermediate. None of their tapes ever make me work as hard as Cathe but they are nice for an off day.

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