dont know how to get back



when i gave birth to my doughter (baby no 6) 4 months ago i thought that i will get back to exe very soon BUT i have found out that raising six kids is not easy as raising 5 and i cant find the time nor the strength to start.
can anyone help

thank u

1. Give yourself time and don't rush it. Start off with low expectations regarding intensity you could achieve and length of time you could devote to exercise. Desperately trying to get exercise into your day and not managing it or very much of it could only increase your stress levels which you do not need.

2. Get baby involved. Do as many errands on foot as possible so that you push the stroller around, include a fair amount of walking into your day, get out of the house, get fresh air, and start to feel better about yourself.

3. Get help. Your partner, as hardworking as he may be, needs to understand that unless you get 4-6 hours per week that are entirely your own, you will kill someone very soon. He owes you this as a minimum. Then take this time and actually leave the house. If you are still in the house, it means you are available and will be dragged into the child care/household crisis of the moment. Leave the house, lace up sneakers, and get out and walk! Or dash to the gym and spend 45-60 mins with the weights.

4. Grab any chance to be physically active in the beginning until you can develop an exercise routine back with Cathe.
--If your friends call to get together for coffee, ask if instead you could all meet in the park and walk and talk with strollers. When you get there, park the strollers by a bench and use the bench for tricep dips, step ups, push ups, etc. Make a certain section of the park your walking lunges section: keep pushing the stroller ahead of you and lunge walk it. Cheaper, better for all.
--If someone needs to make a last minute dash to the shops to get diapers, go yourself, powerwalk it all the way there and you have a cardio workout for the day. Every step counts.

5. Keep weights in the laundry room/kitchen, etc. You have to go and unload the dishwasher? Pump out 3 sets of bicep curls first. Then unload. You have to scrub the bath clean? Pump out 3 sets of 15 squats with overhead presses first. SNEAK THE EXERCISE IN WHEREVER YOU CAN. It all adds up, it makes use of little pockets of time, it is less stressful than trying to get a wakeful baby down for a nap so you can do a Cathe DVD.

The first year is the hardest. Once they can be left with sitters/partners/friends/play groups, more possibilities for exercise and restored sanity arise. Stay cool and stick with it where you can. Where you can't: don't beat yourself up about it. All mothers have been there.

Wishing you every success,


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