Dog problems again


I'm really worried about Cosmo. This morning she couldn't get up--it was the saddest & hardest thing to see. She kept struggling to stand up & she basically elbow-crawled from my bedroom to the top of the stairs. Every time I tried to help her she growled & snapped at me. I don't know if it's b/c she's in pain or b/c she's scared.

She finally made it down the stairs after about 15 minutes of struggling. If you guys recall, she is on arthritis meds (deramax I think, 100mg). Maybe the problem isn't arthritis? I don't know if I need to call the vet, take her back in (which in itself scares me b/c it stresses her out, plus I don't know what he's gonna tell me).

Gayle, any other dog experts out there, any advice? Any idea whether I need to up her meds, or do something else?

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong w/her emotionally (she seems peppy & happy most of the time), or internally (as in cancer or whatever), she's just having a really hard time getting around. But it's scaring the crap out of me & I really don't know what to do. :-(
With all due respect, how can you even ask a question like that on a MESSAGE BOARD?????????????????? Call the vet
>With all due respect, how can you even ask a question like
>that on a MESSAGE BOARD?????????????????? Call the vet

There's no need to be rude!

Laura, as tough as it is, you probably better get her in to see the vet. At least call and see what advice they can give you over the phone. I'll keep your little Cosmos in my prayers.
>With all due respect, how can you even ask a question like
>that on a MESSAGE BOARD?????????????????? Call the vet

With all due respect, did you even READ my post? For pete's sake, if you can't be supportive just butt out.

Thank you Michele. I guess I have to call the vet, but I suspect he'll tell me the same thing he told me before--that there's nothing he can do for her.
Hi Laura
Did your dog just wake up when that happened? Maybe he was stiff from sleeping. I have a lab and she somtimes gets that way but not to the extreme of crawling around, I am so sorry that makes me sad:( Or maybe she pulled somthing, I don't know. Just keep us in tuned on what the vet says.
Take Care

Definitely call your vet. Does her movement get better after a while, like after she loosens up?
Yes, it was first thing this morning. And I have noticed that she struggles a bit more that time of day. But I've never seen her that bad--I was afraid she wasn't gonna get up stomach is just tied up in knots & as hard as I try I just can't prepare myself for what I'm gonna have to deal with in the future.

Keep your fingers crossed for me--I can't lose my best friend!
I agree with Michele, Laura. Call the vet and see what they say. They'll probably want to see her. Hugs to you and pats to Cosmo.
Sorry to hear of your dog troubles. I have an older chow and she struggles through every day. It is comforting to know that I am not along through this. I just pray that when Sheena goes it is quick and her poor little body will be finally pain free.

Hugs to you!

Oh, BTW. I have a terrible time getting my Sheena to the vet too. It is quite traumatic for her. I don't blame you for being hestitant to put her through a visit again.

I think a phone call would suffice for now.

:) Melissa
Melissa, Cosmo is a chow/lab mix. I think both breeds have a tendency toward hip problems, I guess she's getting a double whammy.

Gayle--she did seem to loosen up after a while. But the other problem we've been having is food--she doesn't eat her canned food, & the pug won't eat his kibble, it's like they both wait until I turn my back & eat each others' food. Cosmo hasn't really eaten in about 3 days b/c I've been standing there to make sure they don't eat the wrong food (part of the problem is Cosmo's pills are in her food & I don't want Max swallowing them), & after about 15 minutes I give up & put the bowls on the counter. I figured when they both got hungry enough they'd eat their own food, but now I'm wondering if I need to just let them go ahead & eat what they want, otherwise they're gonna starve to death.

OK so I did call the vet. I'm not bringing her in though, I'll pay for a visit but I don't think she can handle the stress & the movement of getting there.

This is so freakin stressful.
My heart goes out to you!! It's so hard to see our little four legged childern hurting. My Muffie has been sick and hospitalized x2 near death and it was an awful experience. She is well now, but I don't know if I can go thru that again. I hope you get some answers and your baby gets relief!!

OK she has an appt on Monday for an Xray. He thinks it probably is the tumor he thought he felt last time she was there, about 8 weeks ago.

If it is cancer, surgery is an option. I suppose I'll do it if it won't cause more pain & suffering for the poor old girl.

Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky & he won't find anything but a really bad case of arthritis that a higher dose of meds can help.
Have you tried giving her the pills separately from the food? DH and I used to give Gunther his pills coated in a big scoop of peanut butter or tucked into PB and a small piece of bread. Then they could eat each others food :).

Also, if she isn't eating the food, is it safe to assume that she isn't getting her full dose of pills? That might contribute to her being lame.

Good luck with the X-ray. I'm sending positive vibes to you and Cosmo.
Yeah, I stopped putting the pills in the food & now I have to shove those giant deramax pills down her throat. Also the thyroid meds, but they're small so not much of a problem.

My vet told me go ahead & just give her the dry food. I've been told by other vets not to b/c she's pretty much toothless, & the stubs she has left are basically protected by the placque on them, so I shouldn't give her anything that would remove the placque. My current vet just told me that's the silliest thing he's ever heard, & to go ahead & give her the dry food.

Thanks all for your support--I'm trying to hold myself together here but I'm really scared I'm gonna lose her this time.
Lauramax....I hope your pal is okay. Hugs to you and Cosmo

and as far as you posting this on a message board....THIS is the appropriate place, you have friends here..........and i have been around long enough to vividly remember a few truly heart-retching posts from Cathe concerning her beloved Dakota and Hampton.

Take care
Laura -
I've always had large-breed dogs, and they are definitely prone to hip and back problems. It may be that yours is also experiencing some sort of nervous disorder. German Shepherds have that tendency, and I had to watch mine really suffer from it as she got older. I don't know about Labs or Chows.

For me, even though I might get bad news from the vet, I'd take Cosmo because I think it's worse not knowing - and there's a good chance that the vet can alleviate some of the suffering, even if the news is bad. I hope, though, that he'll up the arthritis med dosage and things will improve.

Keep us posted on Cosmo!
Did you try wrapping the meds in cheese? My dog is partial to imported Swiss and would eat Legos wrapped in it. (Well, he'll eat Legos regardless, so I guess that's besides the point.)

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know it's really tough. Did you read the book Marley & Me? It's about a dog and his owner, and towards the end he started having those exact same symptoms. I know it would be sad to read, but it might give you some ideas of what could be wrong.

Hang in there, chickie.


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