Does anyone else hate cardio machines?


I was bored yesterday and decided to try the exercise room at our rec centre ... stair master, elliptical and rowing. was DULL. Watching the little red dots and time ellapsed? LOL. How can anyone take them for longer than 10 minutes? Let alone a full 45? I love my videos.
I loathe those machines, I sometimes go to the gym to keep my roomate company (instead of doing a Cathe tape) and the only perk is that there are individual tv sets in all the cardio machines so you can watch tv while you plod along on the treadmill. Plod plod plod. I'm totally with you. Why do that when you can do Rhythmic Step? :) Strangely, my roommate prefers going to the gym to workout than to do a tape at home...even lifting. Cathe is FAR more entertaining than staring at yourself in the mirror at the gym,I think anyway!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-02 AT 01:44AM (Est)[/font][p]LOATHE! That's the word !!! I was thinking exactly that...RS would have gotten me sweating by now plus zero boredom!
It's nice when the cardio machines are at your house and you can play videos. The only alternative is to be lucky enough to like news channels on TV like they have at the gyms. I personally love to watch Fox News channel at certain times of the day. This morning I'm going to lift weights to "Fox & Friends."
Hate, loath, despise . . . you got it, sister!

For awhile after teaching my aqua class on Saturday mornings, rather than putting in some solo pool time as I was wont to do I would instead go up to the cardio machine area and put in about 25 minutes on the Reebok BodyTrek machine, putting it onto an interval program. That lasted all of about 6 sessions before I said "Never again." Monotonous, repetitive range and plane of motion, doing anything you can NOT to pay attention . . . no thanks. In my much earlier exercise years I used to own a Nordic Track ski machine and would do an hour a day - that felt like a year a day!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Unapologetic Video Junkie
I have this conversation with my daughter all the time. She *has* to go to the gym, because there are people. She can't stand working out alone. She does those machines 4 times a week, for 45-60 minutes. I don't know how she stands it. She likes to watch TV, the other people (who she likes to feel superior to since she is young, thin and buff), listen to music.

I like to be distracted by Cathe, but Logan likes to zone out.
YES! They are awful!!! Anytime I attempted to get into shape going to the gym, it never lasted more than 6 weeks. Once I started doing step tapes at home (and alternating them), I was hooked. I also can't stand weight machines. being only 5' tall, it's very difficult to get them set up right.
That is also how I feel about walking,jogging, and running!

At least running has a change of scenery, but still, I miss my workout buddies--Cathe and crew!

Hate, hate my elliptical! Using it is like watching paint dry. Even though its parked right in front of a TV, 20 mins on it is all that I can bear in one go.
At home I have both an elliptical trainer and treadmill. The key motivator for me is some good pumping music, played on my personal cd player. Without the music, I couldn't bear to face either machine. With the music, I enjoy my workouts on the machines. Funny thing is, when I'm running outdoors, I can't stand to wear a headset.
I'm probably in the minority, but I enjoy the machines. I had to buy my own treadmill because I like to be on it longer than a half-hour. However, I get the most fun out of the other machines when I pick three and do them for 10-12 minutes each. One of my favorite workouts when I was young, thin, and buff, was 12 minutes on the LifeRower, 10 minutes on the mountain climber thingie, and a 10-minute power walk on the treadmill. ( I raced my previous times, which I faithfully logged.) However, I absolutely LOATHE stationary bikes. I love to ride outside; it's one of my favorite activities and I would ride rather than drive if I could; but I hate siting on a bike in the gym.
YES! YES! YES! I HATE the machines! I've tried Nordictrack (boooring after about 5 minutes), a stepper (ditto), an eliptical trainer (same!), one of those useless glider things (3 minutes for that one!) and probably some others. The only time I liked using a machine was when I did retrowalking (walking backwards) on a treadmill for physical therapy. That wasn't too bad.

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