Do you think I am?


Please help!

Today I did Viper for the first time - it's alot of fun but I just felt so weak this morning and out of breath. In fact, I think I may be pregnant. Not to get too personal but my nipples have been very sore, I am constantly thirsty, I have a wierd slightly crampy feeling(not really painful though) and I have some discharge-these are all things I've never had before. I am only 6 days post ovulation and I just have a hunch. This is our first time ttc and my DH thinks I just want it so bad that I am thinking I have this symptoms when I don't - Hello, I can't "imagine" discharge. I don't want to tell anyone yet but I thought you all could help me-I will probably post on the pregnancy forum too.

Are these common signs? What signs and symptoms did you all have?

I'm so nervous, excited and scared all at the same time.

Thanks, Wendy
Oh my gosh! Wendy, that's very exciting! These are certainly symptoms of early pregnancy. This is the hardest time of ttc; the weeks between ovulation and day 28. I'm sorry to say, but you will only be able to tell in hindsight whether these are genunine early pregnancy symptoms. The symptoms you describe are generally thought to be caused by the HCG hormone put out after implantation - which typically occurs between 7-10 days after ovulation/fertilization. Implantation can sometimes occur as early as 4 days past conception, I've read, which maybe happened in your case? That would be very exciting!

I am in exactly the same boat as you, by the way. I am 7 days past ovulation, and waiting anxiously for any sign of successful conception. I've been charting my temps as per the FAM method used in Taking Charge of Your Fertility, and so far everything is doing exactly what it should be doing.

I remember when I got pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago, the early, pre-28th day signs were very much like magnified PMS.

Let's keep each other posted this week! I hope you were successful!

You could be! Go buy a pregnancy test and see- it will detect if your HCG Hormone has been released due to pregnancy. Why second guess?:*

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