Do you take any kind of supplements to aid in fat loss?

Do you take any kind of supplements to aid in fat loss?

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RE: Do you take any kind of supplements to aid in fat l...

I have tried various weightloss supplements but find that they make my heart race extremely fast and I just felt odd. Better to remain a few lbs overweight than to be six feet in the ground.

I don't take fatburners or anything like that, but I do take vitamins and essential fatty acids that are supposed to help a little.

I don't take them. I figure if you have to take some special fat-burners to lose the weight/fat, it's not something you can maintain on your own. I DO drink green tea frequently, and it is supposed to aid in increasing the metabolism (though I don't do it just for that reason: it has many other health benefits...ones that "fat burning supplements" don't have).
I was taking trim spa last year. I went to the dr to get a prescription and she took my blood pressure. I forgot the numbers, but it was incredibly high and nearly doubled from 3 months prior. Dr. told me I could have a stroke. I was 31 years old and work out frequently.
I immediatly wrote trim spa a letter and they gave me my money back. So no more short cuts for me. 100% pure Cathe!!
RE: Do you take any kind of supplements to aid in fat l...

Wow Lizzy-that's scarey.

Was that when Trimspa still had ephedra in it or was it the ephedra-free kind? Just curious. Glad you found out and got off them when you did.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
At one stage I took them(Xenadrine), but I had to stop because the heart rate was out of control. I had too manay irregular heartbeats and I felt I was going to die. However, I may have given up a little bit too early as I am thinking about taking them again. Guess I didn't learn my lesson:)
I have tried them in the past, mostly EAS products when I did the BFL challenge a few years ago. Didn't see any significant results and overall didn't like how they made me feel.
Hi Wendy,
The trim spa still had ephedra in them. That was probably the cause. The funny thing is that I really didn't lose weight.

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