do you all consider........

Oh yes, for sure. Don't underestimate the effects of your own body weight in a w/o. Think power scissors...mwahahaha. I typically only do one day of weighted leg work b/c I also run, spin, as well as the athletic type step cardio as you mentioned above (tends to be my fave with Cathe).


My favorite color is chocolate.
--Homer Simpson
Nope. I personally need weights before I consider it a workout. And I don't think there's enough sustained leg work to make it a leg workout. But the legs definitely get some benefits, because the jumping muscles are strengthened.
I read in another thread that Tony Horton from P90X says that your legs get a good workout from plyos, jumping, stuff like that. That's why there aren't that many leg workouts in P90X. I think P90X grads' legs look great. Sometimes I think a lot of people work a lot harder than they really half to.
I consider it a leg workout indeed. One would be crazy not to. That being said, weights must still be part of the program at some point. Now back to my plie jacks and power scissors.
so would doing a leg workout the day before or the day after Imax, would that not allow for proper rest of the legs
I would do it sometimes, but not always. I think the confusion principle applies well here. Sometimes to mix it up with the legs do the imax a day before or after weights - maybe a couple of weeks out of a one month rotation. Though, if you find it works well for you and you arent' unduly stressed or stiff, keep doing it. If your legs feel tired or stiff and the back-to-back does not seem to be agreeing with them, or your plateau or lose strength or endurance, don't do it for a while. Everyone is different and responds to different things, so I think experimentation is needed to see how it works for you.

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