Do I need more Cardio?


Active Member
Hello Ladies, I need some input, I have been doing alot of rotations for about 3 months centering mostly on upper body and cardio only 3xaweek , legs 1-2x aweek. I really am wanted more definition in my upper body. But I notice my jeans are feeling a little snug. I'm wondering if I should up the cardio to 4-5x a week, but will that effect my upper body results? I suppose I could do a 4 week rotation with more cardio but will I lose any progress in my upper body? Sorry so long,but I could really need anyones opinions. Thanks in advance.TLC
If you're only doing cardio 3x a week, it won't hurt to do more. I do it every day. Some days it's only 30 min, but usually an hour. Sometimes 1 1/2 hours on long cardio days (2x a week). You'll have to try it and see. But it won't hurt you to up it. It may help to know that many weight loss plans advise at least 45 min.s of cardio 5x a week.

If you are considering more cardio.
I started using Cardio Coach workouts about 3 weeks ago.
These are great workouts and I think they can give great
results with fat loss and strengthen the heart and lungs.
Cardio was always so boring to me and I never felt that I
pushed myself hard enough until Cardio Coach.

I try to do one every other day and have lost about 3 lbs
already and my pants are more lose than they were.
I still strength train about 4 days per week.
Standard exercise philosophy says to lose weight, you should do cardio 4-5 times a week for 30+ minutes. To maintain, 3-4 times a week for 30+ minutes.
Even on my weight days, I try to sneak in 30 minutes of cardio first, or at least a long walk with my dog. I think it helps with the weight work, too, cuz I feel nice and warm when I start.
I normally do cardio every day I work out which is 6 days per week. It varies anywhere from a quick but intense 20 min work out to 60-80 mins! I also do a full body weight work out 3x per week. My cardio is usually shorter on my weight training days. I am finding this is working for me. I'm not actually losing weight but my body is changing for the better so I am happy!:+

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