Do any of your husbands use Cathe?


New Member
Do any of your husbands use Cathe? My husband has tried everything but Cathe and hasn't had much luck. He has tried the gazelle, running etc. for cardio and we have a Bowflex that he uses for strength training. He tends to bulk up but it is really hard for him to lose fat. I am trying to get him to try it with me but he is hesitant. Would it help him take off some weight with the right diet?
My husband will do Pyramid Upper and Lower Body with me sometimes! Otherwise, we like doing Tae Bo Total Body Fat Blaster together. He won't do step aerobics though.
My DH has done MM,PH,SS, and IMAX3 with me. He decided that he didn't like doing the intense cardio(IMAX), but liked doing the weight stuff with me. We do it together just a few times a month but it's fun!!

I think Bootcamp and Cathe's Kickboxing workouts would be DH friendly, and help him burn some calories.
I just got DH started with Tae-Bo. Moving on to Cathe is just a matter of time....}(


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
My husband used to run for his cardio workouts. He hurt his knee and can't do the miles he'd like. Now he does step, but not with any coreographed workout. He'll just pop in a movie DVD or his beloved Seinfeld episodes and "freestyle." Weight has never been an issue with him (the dog!). If he puts on a few pounds over the holidays, he just skips lunch for a couple days and the extra weight melts off. Sigh.
my dh has NO coordination so he won't go near a step. Doesn't like it anyhow. He's done BC, KPC, ME, SS with me. He's also does kickmax blast challenge, too! We like w/o together when we can.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

My DH does the Cathe AbHits DVD and loves it, actually I bought it as a gift for him LOL! But that's the only one he uses, it did give him a little more respect for my workouts though!
I'm always trying to get my DH to workout with Cathe with me, but till now I'm still waiting. He wont even try it. I mean I think he would really benefit from the weight workouts and bootcamp even. I wouldnt expect him to be cha-chaing around with the step though.
My husband just critiques Cathe. He has owned a Kempo dojo for 13 years now and pops in here and there to watch me. I kind of feel guilty doing and loving Cathe's KPC so much but he understands. I never took karate because I don't like being hit. It's as simple as that. I also don't have the best balance and coordination. Probably why I don't do any of Cathe's step workouts either.

my dh should, however he won't because she is a female:-( . he won't admit to this but i know.
i am thinking of getting him the latest tae-bo tapes and starting from there.

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